Ben Shapiro Explains: ‘What Happens If Biden Resigns?’

As a growing number of prominent Democrats publicly call for President Joe Biden to bow out of the 2024 presidential race, many Americans are asking themselves a simple, yet complicated, question: what happens if Biden resigns?

In the latest episode of “FACTS,” Daily Wire Editor Emeritus Ben Shapiro tackles that question and many others related to Biden’s age, cognitive decline, and apparent determination to remain in the presidential race despite a series of disastrous public appearances.


What happens if Joe Biden resigns?

The President faces three potential scenarios—and there are significant constitutional, legal, and social implications for all three. Watch my latest episode of “Facts” where I break down each possible outcome.

— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) July 19, 2024

In the episode, Shapiro outlines three potential scenarios that could play out before November 5:

What happens if Joe Biden withdraws from the ticket, but does not resign the presidency? What happens if Joe Biden resigns? What happens if Joe Biden dies in office?

The first scenario, Shapiro explains, “would be politically the worst case scenario for the Democrats, who would leave the next nominee carrying Joe Biden’s baggage without ever assuming the power of the presidency.”

The main issue, as Shapiro points out, is that there is no way for the party to force Biden off the ticket if he is not ready to do so willingly. The delegates already pledged to him are bound by the “faithful delegate” rule, which the Democratic National Committee adopted in 1980 “to prevent delegates pledged to then President Jimmy Carter from defecting to Senator Ted Kennedy.”

Shapiro goes on to explain that Biden withdrawing from the race — but not resigning the presidency — would likely lead to chaos.

“If Biden steps down as presumptive nominee after securing the nomination but before the election, say, you know, like this week, the DNC would convene, select a new nominee. That process would involve consultation with Democratic governors, congressional leaders, party officials to ensure a smooth transition,” he says. “This decision could lead to significant internal conflicts within the Democratic Party, going all the way to the convention in Chicago.”

The other two scenarios are far less complicated, at least politically, Shapiro notes. If Biden were to resign the presidency, for example, the 25th Amendment would take effect and the transition would likely be much smoother.

“According to the Presidential Succession Act and the 25th Amendment, if Biden resigns the office of the presidency, then Vice President Harris immediately assumes the presidency,” Shapiro explains. “The process is clear cut. It has historical precedent. When Richard Nixon resigned in 1974 amidst Watergate, for example, Vice President Gerald Ford became president.”

A similar scenario would play out if Biden were to pass away while still holding office, much like the transition from President Franklin Delano Roosevelt to President Harry S. Truman in 1945.

But however smooth such a transition might be, it would not be without its complications.

“The death of a sitting president always leads to a period of national mourning and a focus on maintaining stability and continuity. Presumably, Kamala Harris would at least attempt to accomplish just that,” Shapiro notes.

“The sudden change in leadership would, of course, totally upend the 2024 election altering campaign strategies. The Democratic Party would undoubtedly then unify behind Harris in order to maintain electoral momentum … In fact, if a past president dies, the public tends to again have a lot of sympathy for the new president. While some, however, might rally around a new president, Kamala Harris, we live in a very polarized time. Others might question her legitimacy or her readiness.”

The Appalling Display Of Christian White Nationalism At The RNC

Well, the RNC is over! And I think we’ve seen just about enough of what the Republican party has been reduced to under the so-called leadership of Donald Trump. It’s time for America to choose. Do we want a courageous leader like Joe Biden, who when he falls down, gets back up — whether he falls down going up a flight of stairs or trying to go up the flight of stairs again or even just walking across a room — he gets back up as many times as it takes to cross that room.

Or do we want to descend to the level of a man like Donald Trump who when he falls down — because, you know, he’s been shot in the head by a bullet from an AR-15 sniper rifle — sure, he gets back up, but then he spits the bullet out, and shakes his fist at death and shouts, “Fight, fight, fight,” which frankly is just divisive.

I, for one, was appalled by the RNC and its rampant display of Christian white nationalism, and Sikh white nationalism, and bi-racial rapper woman white nationalism, and even black white nationalism from people like Tim Scott who has so internalized white supremacy that he expects to be treated just like everybody else. It’s disgusting.

And then there was Vivek Ramaswamy — and who even knows what the hell color he is with a name like that. It must be seven syllables at least, the guy could be purple for all we know. And this Rama whatever-his-name-is had the gall to stand up at the RNC and say that Americans should be able to disagree with one another openly and then still treat each other with respect, which is against everything the Democrat party stands for. Democrats understand that here in America, people are free to disagree with us, then be called racist, then be banned from YouTube and other social media, then be summoned to HR, fired from their jobs, and have their homes raided in the early morning hours by armed federal agents so they can be charged with any crime we can drum up, then spend the rest of their lives being harassed by screeching men with pink hair, face piercings and tattoos, who are taking female hormones until they turn into screeching women with pink hair, face piercings and tattoos who are indistinguishable from all the other Democrat voters.

We will not allow some purple-faced Vivek Hamahooney to weaponize the First Amendment by using it to give a voice to people with other opinions than our own. That’s not who we are as Americans.

WATCH: The Andrew Klavan Show

While Republicans were at the RNC, wearing silly cowboy hats and screaming belligerently about their radical MAGA agenda of cutting taxes and standing up to our enemies, our president Joe Biden was having a civilized conversation with NBC’s Lester Holt. And sure, we couldn’t understand what he was saying half the time either, but the point is, he was setting a good example by sitting right there in close proximity to an almost black man and condemning Donald Trump for saying there would be a bloodbath and there were good people on both sides of the Charlottesville riots. And it was incredibly inspiring to see how Lester Holt respected this president so much that he didn’t once interrupt him to point out that none of that was true, which is what we expect from journalists. Because as Democrats, we believe that, if you don’t nod with servile conformity while we’re lying to you, you ain’t black. Or whatever Lester Holt is, you ain’t that either. Basically, if you don’t nod with servile conformity while we’re lying to you, as far as we’re concerned, you ain’t a journalist at all, no matter what color you are.

So in conclusion, I am personally calling for four more years of Joe Biden, or whatever fraction of that time he’s got left. Because as President Biden himself said in his speech to the NAACP, “This country is gala-zeeben anyway to garoon the finchin fanchin booben deebee dobby.” And that’s exactly why President Biden will remain the Democrat candidate. Because we Democrats know that if you ever understand what we’re actually saying, we’re in deep trouble.

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Andrew Klavan is the host of “The Andrew Klavan Show” at The Daily Wire. He is the bestselling author of the Cameron Winter Mystery series. The third installment, “The House of Love and Death,” is now available. Follow him on X: @andrewklavan

This excerpt is taken from the opening satirical monologue of “The Andrew Klavan Show.”

The views expressed in this satirical article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.