‘Young Turks’ Host Says She’s Not Voting For Biden, ‘Disgusted’ By His Drive To Hold On To Power

“The Young Turks” host Ana Kasparian made it clear that whether President Joe Biden stays in the race or not, she’s not voting for him and has registered Independent over the Democrats power struggle.

Speaking to The Daily Wire’s Cabot Phillips, Kasparian said she’s turned away from the Democrat Party because she’s been sickened after watching 81-year-old Biden’s drive to hold “on to power,” something the Democrats have repeatedly tried to accuse former President Donald Trump of doing.

“Biden has centered his campaign on the idea that Donald Trump must be defeated because if he’s not defeated our democracy is on the line,” Kasparian told the host. “Biden also happens to be the weakest candidate to run up against Donald Trump.”

.@cabot_phillips: “If Joe Biden does remain on the ticket, would you vote for him?”
@AnaKasparian: “No, I would not vote for him…

This entire power struggle that I’m witnessing on the Democratic side made me register as an Independent. I’m disgusted by it.” pic.twitter.com/LWWFOxqVmb

— Daily Wire (@realDailyWire) July 19, 2024

“He [Biden] can’t run on Donald Trump being a threat to Democracy while simultaneously remaining in the race knowing that he is the weakest possible candidate to beat Donald Trump,” she added. “I think that’s a huge problem for the Democrats.”

Phillips then pressed Kasparian, “If Joe Biden does remain on the ticket, would you vote for him?” 

“No, I would not vote for him,” she replied. “This entire power struggle that I’m witnessing on the Democratic side has made me register as an Independent.”

“I’m disgusted by it … we are talking about an 81-year-old — who again is the weakest possible candidate to run against Donald Trump — holding on to power,” she added.

“He’s [Biden] holding on for dear life and what it communicates to me is that there’s more interest in Biden’s power, in maintaining his power, as opposed to doing the right thing and bringing a younger candidate, a more competitive candidate, to actually beat Republicans and Donald Trump,” Kasparian continued.

During last month’s CNN Presidential Debate between Biden and Trump, the president had a disastrous performance as he struggled, rambled and even froze several times during the broadcast.

Following the debate, Hollywood stars and political commentators began calling for Biden to step out of the race. In the time since, the chorus of people saying Biden must drop out has only gotten stronger. 

Earlier this week, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) publicly called on Biden to end his campaign early, saying that the U.S. was “at a crossroads.”

“A second Trump presidency will undermine the very foundation of our democracy, and I have serious concerns about whether the President can defeat Donald Trump in November,” he said.

Related: Ana Kasparian Lauds Shapiro’s Fairness After Being Mocked Again For Speaking With Him

5 More Democratic Reps Call For Biden To ‘Pass The Torch’ And Drop 2024 Campaign

Five more Democratic House representatives are calling on President Joe Biden to end his 2024 re-election campaign as his team maintains that he is staying in the race. 

In an op-ed for the Chicago Tribune, Rep. Sean Casten (D-IL) on Friday called on President Joe Biden to “pass the torch” while calling former President Donald Trump an “existential threat” to the country. Four other Democrats, Reps. Jared Huffman (CA) Marc Veasey (TX), Mark Pocan (WI),  and Jesus “Chuy” Garcia (IL), also said on Friday that Biden should step away because of health concerns for the 81-year-old president. 

Casten said that he believed Biden would lose to Trump and that he should let another Democrat challenge him. He suggested that the country might not survive if Biden was defeated. 

“It is with a heavy heart and much personal reflection that I am therefore calling on Biden to pass the torch to a new generation,” Casten wrote. “To manage an exit with all the dignity and decency that has guided his half-century of public service. To cement his legacy as the president who saved our democracy in 2020 and handed it off to trusted hands in 2024 who could carry his legacy forward.”

He said that he believed that Biden would struggle to respond to criticism of his mental and physical health. 

“And as long as this election is instead litigated over which candidate is more likely to be held accountable for public gaffes and ‘senior moments,’ I believe that Biden is not only going to lose but is also uniquely incapable of shifting that conversation,” said  Casten. 

Democratic Reps. Huffman, Veasey, Pocan, and Garcia released a statement on Friday morning calling for Biden to withdraw from the race. 

“We must face the reality that widespread public concerns about your age and fitness are jeopardizing what should be a winning campaign,” they wrote. “These perceptions may not be fair, but they have hardened in the aftermath of last month’s debate and are now unlikely to change. We believe the most responsible and patriotic thing you can do in this moment is to step aside as our nominee while continuing to lead our party from the White House.”

They added that “passing the torch” would inject enthusiasm into the Democratic Party and “reinvigorate the race.” 

The Biden campaign has so far denied any reports that he will drop out. Biden is currently recovering from COVID. His team said he might return to the campaign trail next week.