HOSTILE JURY POOL CONVICTS THREE J6 DEFENDANTS ON ALL CHARGES in Tuesday’s Verdict: Defendant Jeff Brown Who Was Tortured by Prison Guards Is One of Them – Please Help Jeff By Donating Below

Guest post by Olivia Wolfe

After three hours of deliberations on Tuesday, a DC jury unanimously found three J6 defendants guilty on all 26 trumped-up charges stemming from the January 6th protest at the US Capitol.

This was the fourteenth Jan 6th trial before a jury in the most sensationalized story of our time, and the results are all the same:

At least three commissioned studies have shown an insurmountable bias in a jury pool that voted 92% for Joe Biden and felt personally victimized—(“unsafe, afraid, inconvenienced, affected by the state of emergency”)—all while getting pummeled by one-sided apocalyptic fiction about the day’s events.

Of DC residents:

– 95% were very or somewhat familiar with Jan 6th protest (Zogby)

– 82% felt personally victimized by the events of Jan 6th (InLux)

– 72% said they were likely to find the defendants guilty, even when given the choice that ‘it is too early to decide’ (InLux)

– 75% of respondents believe that any individual inside the Capitol should be convicted of insurrection (Zogby)

– 66% agreed that Jan 6th posed a dire threat to our nation and democracy (Zogby)

– 62% of respondents believe that all or some of the Jan 6th events were racially motivated (InLux)

Jeffrey Brown, who called The Gateway Pundit from jail in June, was among the three defendants that Tuesday’s jury rendered guilty on all seven counts leveled against him.

His co-defendant, Pete Schwartz, alleges that a juror flipped him off while reading the verdict, which is plausible considering the blatant rage DC liberals have for Trump-induced inconveniences. Brown was taken back into custody to await sentencing.



How could they not be enraged when nightly news, both national and local, beat Americans over the head with full-blown lies trumpeted loudly then quietly retracted months later. The corporate press warns protesters ignited a “bloody war scene outside the Capitol”. While four Americans were killed by police during the protest, police officers claim they are victims and were  “slipping in people’s blood.” 

Sensational news coverage hasn’t been the only source of prejudicial damage to the January  6 defendants’ basic rights to fair trials.

Inflammatory statements are coming directly from our entrusted guardians, like Chief Judge Beryl Howell who stated from her seat on the bench that “everyone participating in the mob contributed to [the January 6] violence,” and that those who breached the barriers “are not trespassers, they are criminals.”

An unbiased jury and the presumption of innocence are foundational principles to equal justice, yet here is a judge directly contradicting the presumption of innocence and impartiality. This is a prejudicial statement coming from the very person tasked with instructing the jury for trial. That cannot be overcome.


Even without the news, the courts, and public officials against them, jury selection itself has been an absolute farce. A Politico article described the joke that is trying to find a jury of 13 people in a leftwing district with a population roughly equal to the number of federal employees (in a case in which the federal government was ‘victimized’):

“There was a former Hill staffer — and current defense contractor […] An elementary school principal whose good friend was close with a police officer who died days after Jan. 6. And a marketing professional who says she’s in social groups with Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn.”

Despite third-party polling, tainted judges, and a blatantly prejudicial jury pool, every single change of venue motion has been denied across the board.

There is no way to get a fair trial in DC, and the judges are smugly unwilling to admit it. Who, then, is truly guilty of Obstruction of Justice?  The judges who violate basic Constitutional rights, or the protestors entrapped into trespassing?

Jeffrey Brown is a good man without a criminal past who attended a peaceful protest. He brought no weapons to the J6 protest and had no intent to cause harm. He did not injure anyone and he did not damage any property. He did not walk inside the Capitol or even attempt to. Yet the federal government has sent surveillance and swat teams after him, detained him in horrid conditions for nearly a year and transported him more than five times to jails in four states—racking up costs to the American taxpayer while disrupting his life in an attempt to break him.

What they don’t know is that the American people do not let communist injustices go lightly and that we stand united.


Never forget: Antifa struck police officers with bricks and fire-bombed businesses during the Presidential Inauguration of 2016 and the most time they served was 4 months, with ZERO pre-trial time.

The post HOSTILE JURY POOL CONVICTS THREE J6 DEFENDANTS ON ALL CHARGES in Tuesday’s Verdict: Defendant Jeff Brown Who Was Tortured by Prison Guards Is One of Them – Please Help Jeff By Donating Below appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

6-Year-Old Canadian Kid Dies Suddenly After Suffering “Massive Stroke” – Doctor Diagnosed her with “Myocarditis due to the Flu”

A six-year-old girl who was a member of the Richmond Raven U7 girls hockey team from Richmond, British Columbia, died suddenly last month after suffering from a massive stroke.

On November 26, Danielle Mei Cabana, who had been taken to BC Children’s Hospital for treatment of flu symptoms, passed away unexpectedly, according to Richmond News.

On Instagram, Danielle’s father, Denis Cabana, claimed that she contracted the flu at the same time as her sisters around Remembrance Day.

After her sisters had fully recovered from the virus, Danielle was admitted to the hospital and was moved to the intensive care unit.

Danielle was diagnosed with myocarditis, which doctors believed was caused by the flu.

She underwent two heart surgeries and was able to breathe on her own, but in the end, she died from a “massive stroke.”

“While we may not be able to see or touch her again, her spirit and memories will live forever within her parents and sisters,” wrote Denis. “We will honor her life and make sure she experiences a full life through our eyes.”

Richmond News reported:

GoFundMe was set up in support of the Cabana family, which has exceeded the $65,000 goal as of today.

Teams of the Richmond Jets Minor Hockey Association are also remembering Danielle by taping their sticks with camouflage green tape, which was inspired by Danielle’s time camping and hunting with her dad. Danielle was a player for the Richmond Ravens.

Community members are encouraged to post pictures and share stories of Danielle.

“Pictures that we haven’t seen of Dani, that have come up over the past couple days have brought one of the biggest smiles to our face over this hellish time,” wrote Denis.

“I find myself incredibly worried that when the posts stop, she will be forgotten.”

According to reports, though not confirmed, the young kid was vaccinated. One Facebook user commented, “I have a friend who is part of Dani’s extended family. She confirmed that the child was [vaccinated] and admitted to the hospital with [myocarditis]. Doctors literally drilled a hole into her heart to increase its blood flow, only to be met with rapid [clotting], which took the child.”

It was also said that her dad was very pro-vaccine and posted memes making fun of anti-vaccine moms. The post was reportedly taken down.

“To all of you that believe your Facebook and Youtube “research” justifying your beliefs that vaccines are evil, keep “researching,” and you’ll find essential oils, cleanses, and prayer groups that’ll negate all adverse side effects,” Denis reportedly wrote.

The post 6-Year-Old Canadian Kid Dies Suddenly After Suffering “Massive Stroke” – Doctor Diagnosed her with “Myocarditis due to the Flu” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.