Trump On Who Is To Blame For Midterm Results: “I Can Name Them ALL!”

RINOs in the Republican party and the media are trying to blame Donald Trump for the results of the midterm election.

This is despite his strong endorsement record.

In a Truth Social post, Trump took aim at this narrative and said the reasons for a poor midterm election had nothing to do with him – he also added that he can name who is responsible for the losses.

Truth Social:

232 out of 252 Midterm Races WON who had my Endorsement, and the Fake News is working overtime to try and create the most negative narrative possible. No, the REAL reasons were other than Trump, and I can name them ALL!

Here are the facts:

Establishment Republicans worked against Pro-MAGA candidates.

McConnell cut funding from competitive races and sent money to try and protect RINOs from MAGA challengers.

The Senate Leadership Fund brought in $250 million during the midterm election cycle.

At the end of the midterms, they still had $40 million left in the fund.

Why wasn’t this money used in key states?

The Gateway Pundit reported:

Open Secrets is an organization that tracks election funding to candidates, campaigns, and political organizations.

According to Open Secrets the Senate Leadership Fund, the Republican Senate Super PAC, brought in $250 million this midterm election cycle.

At the end of the cycle, the Senate Leadership Fund still had $40 million in its coffers.

So Mitch McConnell left $50 million in his war chest and allowed good Republicans, Blake Masters and others, to fend for themselves.

Who do you blame for the poor election results?

For the antidote to media bias, check out…

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“Campaign Finance Mules” Part 2: UNEMPLOYED Missouri Donors Exposed Who Made Thousands of Donations Totaling Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars

Data analyst Chris Gleason came out with a new report on the millions of dollars in donations sent to Democrat candidates across the country in the most recent election cycle.

The Gateway Pundit earlier reported on the $24 million in donations from hundreds of unemployed donors to Raphael Warnock in Georgia.

EXCLUSIVE: “Campaign Finance Mules” Identified in Georgia Senate Race – Democrat Raphael Warnock Received Over $24 Million from Hundreds of UNEMPLOYED Donors Giving Over 358,000 Donations

Chris Gleason next looked at “campaign finance mules” in Missouri after The Gateway Pundit spoke with Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft who asked us about the number of campaign mules in Missouri.  

Chris was taken aback by what he discovered. Chris uncovered the most prolific campaign finance mule he has yet exposed.

According to Chris, “Steven in Missouri” made 1,411 political donations totaling $180,727.97 in the last two years.

And Steven is UNEMPLOYED.

Chris said, “When I noticed this “generous donor” I was taken aback by the number of times that he donated. By far this was the most amount of “Times Donated” that I have found thus far in the states that I have looked into.”

Steven from Missouri donated on average 19 times a day.

Chris also uncovered “Catherine in Missouri.” Catherine from Frontenac is also unemployed and made 1,793 donations totaling $181,386.27.

These are just two of the worst unemployed campaign finance mules we discovered operating in the state of Missouri.

Joe Hoft reported on this phenomenon earlier in his TGP report.

It turns out that millions in donations were sent to candidates like Raphael Warnock from “money mules” around the country. Warnock was the top beneficiary of all 2022 Democrat candidates of this money distribution scheme.

In April 2022, engineer Chris Gleason began working on his first data project involving elections. The project was tied to the 2022 midterm election. This was unique for Chris because he had been involved in tech and data for the majority of his adult career although he never used his expertise on a political project.

The goal was to determine who was most likely to vote for which candidate and how likely they were to support particular candidates and causes.

What he and a small group of others determined was that Washington State had a massive network of campaign finance mules. They identified massive numbers of registered voters in Washington State who were making thousands of donations to Democrat party candidates nationwide and progressive PACs. The individual donation amounts were not large. These donations were small and had been intentionally set up to avoid throwing up reg flags.

These “Money Mules” were not wealthy individuals. They were average Americans, living in an average house in an average neighborhood. Or at least that is how it would appear. The investigative group observed massive patterns and red flags in the data. One of the biggest flags was that all of these campaign finance mules in Washington State had been making donations to Raphael Warnock in Georgia.

We do not yet have the full picture in Missouri. Our investigation continues.

The post “Campaign Finance Mules” Part 2: UNEMPLOYED Missouri Donors Exposed Who Made Thousands of Donations Totaling Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.