Tonight Is The Big Night For Joe Biden

Tonight is the big night for Joe Biden. Why? Because his last big night, at the presidential debate, was a giant flop, a huge fail.

The debate now seems like it was ten years ago. Joe Biden went on stage with Donald Trump and physically expired on the stage. He looked terrible, and he’s spent the week since the debate trying to prove that he is not, in fact, dead.

He is, in the words of Miracle Max from “The Princess Bride,” “mostly dead.” Perhaps a little bit alive.

So his task has been to prove he’s alive — and it’s not going particularly well. 

On July 4, Biden tried to give a speech in the Rose Garden. It did not go well.

He started babbling nonsensically about Trump, and suckers and losers — a perfect July 4 message for the American people, who were celebrating the 248th year of independence from Great Britain. 

He babbled:

You know, I was in that World War I cemetery (note: It was a World War II cemetery) in France and one of our colleagues, the former president, didn’t want to go and be up there … probably shouldn’t have said (unintelligible) … We got to just remember who in the hell we are. We’re the United States of America.

It was amazing that when he said, “We have to remember who the hell we are,” that he had to take a break there to remember who we are. On his way out of the Rose Garden, he turned to everybody and said,

You got me, man. I’m not going anywhere. All right. All right. I’ll come back out when they let … open the gate. Okay? Thank you, thank you, thank you … One last thing … When I was (unintelligible) there’s always congestion on the highways. No congestion anymore. No, you go out on the highway, there’s no congestion. And so what they get me to stop talking and say, ‘We just shut down all the roads, Mr. President. You’re going to lose all the votes if you don’t get … (unintelligible).’

This is him reassuring people that he’s not leaving? This man is an empty suit. He is no longer even room temperature. He has now entered into his carbon-dated half-life.

WATCH: The Ben Shapiro Show

The whole Biden administration is missing. They are the empty chair that Clint Eastwood was talking about at the 2012 Republican National Convention. You have Biden; you have the Secretary of Defense, who goes missing for weeks on end without telling anybody; you have the Secretary of Transportation, who takes a two-month paternity leave to take care of his husband after the ravages of childbirth and no one notices that he’s gone. You have Kamala Harris, another empty suit and fraudster.

It’s a cavalcade of the absolute highest intellect and people committed to the job.

Over the past 48 hours, Donald Trump has opened a six-point lead, 48% to 42%, over President Biden among voters nationally. 80% say Joe Biden is too old to run for a second term.

You can’t get 80% of Americans to agree on the moon landing, but 80% of Americans agree that Joe Biden is too old to be president because that is more self-evident.

Remington Research Group surveyed the swing states. Trump is up in the following states:

Wisconsin, up by six Pennsylvania, up by five Michigan, up by three Arizona, up by seven Nevada, up by seven Texas, up by 10 Ohio, up by 10 Montana, Trump is up by 20

Those are horrifying numbers if you’re a Democrat, but there’s some even more bad news for them: a Daily Mail poll came out over the last 24 hours, and it showed that Donald Trump is outpacing Joe Biden 47% to 42%, but also skunking Kamala Harris 49% to 38%.

Somehow Joe Biden found the only person more unpopular than he is to be his vice president, which is a disaster area for Democrats.

All of which means everything for Joe Biden probably comes down to this interview with George Stephanopoulos, the Keebler elf of American politics, on Friday night, since Biden is not capable of doing a full press conference.

ABC News is going to try to either save him or euthanize him.

But here is why this is so completely dishonest: Absolutely no one believes Joe Biden will complete his second term in office. The only question is whether he can survive the campaign. Everyone knows that if Joe Biden becomes the president with Kamala Harris as his running mate, Kamala Harris will be the president of the United States in 2026 — possibly in 2025.

This is simply a place-filler election for the Democrats, to see if they fool the American people by sheltering the American people from the reality of the awful, inauthentic, fraudulent vice presidential candidate by pretending that Biden actually might be able to withstand the rigors of the office for four years.

Time is getting very short for the Democrats. If Joe Biden is not out of the race by the end of next week, in all likelihood he will be the nominee.

So, tonight is a big night.

Judge Blocks Biden Admin Rule Republican AGs Warned Would Force Health Care Providers To Accept Radical Gender Ideology

A federal judge in Mississippi blocked a proposed rule from the Department of Health and Human Services this week, siding with a group of Republican attorneys general who warned the rule from the Biden administration would force health care providers to accept radical gender ideology.

On Wednesday, U.S. District Judge Louis Guirola Jr. ruled that HHS expanded its statutory authority when it proposed a rule to expand prohibitions against sex discrimination to include sexual orientation and gender identity. Republican officials, led by Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti, said that the rule would force states to pay for transgender surgeries on children.

“Today a federal court said no to the Biden administration’s attempt to illegally force every health care provider in America to adopt the most extreme version of gender ideology,” Skrmetti said. “The administration has over and over again issued regulations that mangle the law to advance an ideological agenda.”

“This case is just one of many examples of Tennessee working with other states to block the unlawful abuse of regulatory power,” Skrmetti added. “Today’s order puts the rule on pause while we keep fighting to ensure this illegal rule never goes into effect.”

In his decision, Guirola wrote that he was blocking the rule “so far as this final rule is intended to extend discrimination on the basis of sex to include discrimination on the basis of gender identity.”

“The Court finds that Plaintiffs have demonstrated that there is a substantial likelihood of success on the merits of their claims and that they will suffer irreparable harm in the form of either compliance costs or lost federal funding,” the judge wrote. “The substantial cost of compliance with the 181-page rule weighs in favor of maintaining the status quo. Therefore, Plaintiffs have demonstrated that they are entitled to a nationwide preliminary injunction prohibiting Defendants from enforcing HHS’s May 2024 Rule.”


Other states that sued included Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Virginia, and West Virginia.

Their complaint against HHS said that the rule would make the states “use taxpayer funds to pay for unproven and costly gender-transition interventions through Medicaid and state health plans — even for children who may suffer irreversible harms.”

The rule had been set to go into effect on July 5.