Conservatives Suffer Blowout Loss In Great Britain. Labour Party Takes Over.

In a blowout victory, Great Britain’s Labour Party ousted the Conservative Party from power after a 14-year run. Labour Party leader Keir Starmer has been officially named Britain’s prime minister. The only time in the nation’s history a party won more votes came in 1997, when Tony Blair’s Labour Party won 418 seats.

The Labour Party won 412 seats, adding a massive 214 seats to its previous total, while the Conservatives won a paltry 121 seats, plunging a whopping 251 seats. The centrist Liberal Democrats picked up 71 seats, adding 63 to their previous total, while Nigel Farage’s Reform U.K. party picked up four seats.

“Labour’s win was also fragile,” CNN noted. “The vote breakdown made clear that the election was as much, if not more, about the public’s anger towards the Conservatives as it was about excitement for Labour’s offer.”

Former Prime Minister Rishi Sunak of the Conservative Party apologized after the results were made public, saying, “To the country I would like to say first and foremost, I am sorry. I have given this job my all, but you have sent a clear signal that the government of the United Kingdom must change. And yours is the only judgment that matters. I have heard your anger, your disappointment, and I take responsibility for this loss.”

Conservative Party leader Suella Braverman, whom Sunak fired last year as Home Secretary last year but won re-election to Parliament, stated, “I am sorry that my party didn’t listen to you. The Conservative Party has let you down. You – the Great British people voted for us over 14 years and we did not keep our promises. We’ve acted as if we’re entitled to your vote regardless of what we did, regardless of what we didn’t do, despite promising time after time that we would do those things and we need to learn our lesson because if we don’t, bad as tonight has been for my party, we’ll have many worse nights to come.”

Braverman was fired by Sunak after she wrote a piece in The Times that called the pro-Palestinian demonstrators in London “hate marchers” and condemned police for their “double standard” in protecting leftwing protesters. She pointed out that Britons “pride ourselves on our long-established traditions of freedom of expression. These liberties consist not only of freedom of speech but also freedom of assembly. The right to protest in public is a cornerstone of democracy. That is why peaceful marches are never banned and even controversial and disruptive ones are policed rather than blocked.”

Noting that in exceptional circumstances a chief constable can ask the home secretary to ban a march, Braverman, who was born in London and whose family is of Indian origin, continued:

These issues have come into sharp focus because of what happened on October 7: the worst massacre of Jews since the Nazi era. The ramifications of that terrible event and all that has followed have been felt on the streets of the UK. There have been dignified vigils in London held by Britain’s Jewish community, but that is not what has tested our capacity to maintain public order.

She then turned to the “pro-Palestinian movement,” writing that the tens of thousands of angry demonstrators marching through London every weekend had attacked police, stopped train services and mobbed poppy sellers raising funds for veterans.

Speaking of the march planned for Armistice Day, she wrote:

Here we reach the heart of the matter. I do not believe that these marches are merely a cry for help for Gaza. They are an assertion of primacy by certain groups — particularly Islamists — of the kind we are more used to seeing in Northern Ireland. Also disturbingly reminiscent of Ulster are the reports that some of Saturday’s march group organisers have links to terrorist groups, including Hamas.

“There is a perception that senior police officers play favorites when it comes to protesters,” she commented. “During Covid, why was it that lockdown objectors were given no quarter by public order police yet Black Lives Matters demonstrators were enabled, allowed to break rules and even greeted with officers taking the knee?”

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Brazil’s Conservative Bolsonaro Reportedly Targeted With Indictment

Brazil’s former president, conservative Jair Bolsonaro, a target of the new leftist administration, has reportedly been indicted on Thursday by the Federal Police over last year’s accusations that he imported jewelry worth $3 million and sold two luxury watches without paying taxes.

The police report is expected to be transmitted to the country’s Supreme Court, which would prompt Brazil’s prosecutor-general, Paulo Gonet, to decide whether to put Bolsonaro on trial.

“The persecution of Bolsonaro is declared and shameless!” said Flávio Bolsonaro, Bolsonaro’s son and a sitting senator, on social media. “Someone receives a gift, a committee of public servants decides that it is yours. The TCU questions and the gift is returned to the Union. There is no damage to the treasury! Then the group of PFs, handpicked for the mission, indicts the person.”

A perseguição a Bolsonaro é declarada e descarada!
Alguém ganha um presente, uma comissão de servidores públicos decide que ele é seu. O TCU questiona e o presente é devolvido à União. Não há dano ao erário!
Aí o grupo de PFs, escalados a dedo pra missão, indicia a pessoa.

— Flavio Bolsonaro (@FlavioBolsonaro) July 4, 2024


“Police said in August that Bolsonaro received cash from the nearly $70,000 sale of two luxury watches he received as gifts from Saudi Arabia,” the Associated Press reported. “Brazil requires its citizens arriving by plane from abroad to declare goods worth more than $1,000 and, for any amount above that exemption, pay a tax equal to 50% of their value.”

Police also reportedly indicted Bolsonaro’s former aide, Mauro Cid, and two of his lawyers, Frederick Wassef and Fábio Wajngarten.  Wassef blasted that the indictment had been made public, contending that the investigation was supposed to proceed under seal. “I am going through all of this solely for practicing law in defense of Jair Bolsonaro,” he asserted.

Wajngarten issued a lengthy statement on X, writing in part:

In the entire investigation there is no evidence against me. To be specific: I was indicted for the bizarre reason that I had complied with the Law! … My legal advice was that the gifts received by the former President of the Republic should be immediately returned to the Court of Auditors of the Union, in defense of any doubts regarding questions regarding the public interest. And legal advice is not a crime. … Trying to incriminate me is absurd and reveals the fragility of the accusations systematically made by the Federal Police over the last 18 months. The PF knows that I did nothing about what it found, but it still wants to punish me because I am a permanent and uncompromising defense of former president Bolsonaro. If the intention is to intimidate me, they won’t succeed. Seeing the triumph of the Police State by those who said they were victims of it, used against political opponents, is certainly a dark chapter in our Democracy and will be duly corrected, in due time, by our institutions.

O meu indiciamento pela Polícia Federal se baseia na seguinte afronta legal: advogado, fui indiciado porque no exercício de minhas prerrogativas, defendi um cliente, sendo que em toda a investigação não há qualquer prova contra mim. Sendo específico: fui indiciado pela razão…

— Fabio Wajngarten (@fabiowoficial) July 4, 2024

In February, hundreds of thousands of Brazilians rallied to support Bolsonaro, who flew an Israeli flag in defiance of anti-Semitic remarks made by Brazil’s president, socialist Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who had said, “What’s happening in the Gaza Strip isn’t a war, it’s a genocide. It’s not a war of soldiers against soldiers. It’s a war between a highly prepared army and women and children. What’s happening in the Gaza Strip with the Palestinian people hasn’t happened at any other moment in history. Actually, it has happened: when Hitler decided to kill the Jews.”

Da Silva was sentenced to 12 years in jail for corruption in 2017. In 2019, Brazil’s Supreme Court annulled Da Silva’s conviction, ruling that the judge who issued it had no jurisdiction over the former president’s case because he was located in a different state from where Da Silva lived.

Bolsonaro and Argentinian President Javier Milei, who also is a staunch supporter of Israel, are due to meet this weekend in Brazil.

Ryan Saavedra contributed to this article.

RELATED: Hundreds Of Thousands Of Brazilians Flood Sao Paulo To Support Bolsonaro