‘F-You’: Megyn Kelly Blasts Taylor Swift Endorsement Of Kamala

Megyn Kelly blasted Taylor Swift after the pop star came out and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris for president following the ABC Presidential Debate.

In a Post-Debate Special on YouTube, the host of “The Megyn Kelly Show” podcast reacted to Swift’s public support of Harris over former President Donald Trump, noting that the pop star said she was “impressed” by Harris “selection of running mate [Minnesota Gov.] Tim Walz for what she labeled his support for “LGBTQ+ rights” and abortion.

Last year, Walz signed an executive order protecting life-altering gender procedures on minors in his state, as The Daily Wire previously reported. Under Walz’s order, people seeking gender procedures for themselves or their children will not face prosecution, according to the Minnesota Reformer

“So this woman is fine with his [Walz] plan to take custody of the children from parents who don’t want them to chop off their body parts and put them in Minnesota court’s custody so the body parts can be chopped off and they can be sterilized outside the custody of their parents,” Kelly said. “That’s what led Taylor Swift to endorse him.”

“Can I tell you something? I criticized her about six months ago, when she went to a fundraiser to raise money for Hamas, supposedly Palestinians, but the group that was doing the fundraising was known to funnel the money to Hamas,” she added. “And I said, ‘People should boycott her.’ It was an offhanded comment. People went nuts. Some lunatic dropped a note in my personal mailbox outside my house begging me not to boycott Taylor Swift, as though I have that power.”

“I’m allowed to criticize Taylor Swift … This is disgusting,” Kelly continued. “If she wants to vote Harris/Walz, she can do it all she wants, but to say the reason she’s doing it is because of Tim Walz stance on LGBTQ. F you, Taylor Swift. And F all of the people who want to see these children have body parts chopped off and watch them sterilized under the age of consent, and then will ride off to their multi-gazillion dollar mansions never to think of them again … This is unbelievable.”

The host pointed out that after Swift’s endorsement “the left is losing its mind” and said “she doesn’t care what happens to these kids.”

On Tuesday, the “Shake It Off” hitmaker blew up social media after she announced her support for Harris. In the lengthy post, she called the VP a “steady-handed, gifted leader” and said she would vote for Harris “because she fights for the rights and causes I believe need a warrior to champion them.”

Open Letter To Taylor Swift: Research Harris And Walz’s Anti-Woman Abortion Extremism

Dear Taylor,

As a die-hard Swiftie since your career’s conception in 2006, I have always been your biggest fan. Your music encouraged me to live “fearlessly” and “speak now” on the issues that matter most. I took those words to the core of my heart and made it my life’s
mission to protect innocent and defenseless preborn children from abortion.

However, your recent Instagram post endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz and your stance on a “woman’s right to her body” sadly leads me to believe you don’t understand the value of the fans in your stands and fans yet to be conceived.

You see, I could have been one missing bright light at nine of your concerts if my mom hadn’t chosen life. At age 22 and a senior in college, my mom became pregnant with me. Despite her boyfriend and others pressuring her to abort and “consider other options,” she ignored them. Ironically, it’s the same message abortion supporters use to “empower” women to choose abortion.

You’re a self-proclaimed feminist who said you did your research, but I’m doubtful. If you critically researched like you proudly boast, you would join the pro-life Swifties and stand against Harris and Walz’s late-term abortion stance.

If you did your research, did you know that Walz signed the “Protect Reproductive Options Act”? It’s abortion-ese for legalizing and codifying abortion for any reason up to nine months with zero protection for babies who survive abortion.

If you did your research, you’d know that Walz signed three bills for “abortion rights” while his Democrat allies in the Senate shot down over 60 amendments to help women and children, one of which is sex-discriminatory abortion. Because you consider yourself a feminist, it’s hard to comprehend how you could support anti-feminist, anti-human legislation.

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Harris threatening to codify Roe v. Wade isn’t empowerment. It would encourage abortion by telling women they aren’t strong enough by prioritizing convenience over compassion and pushing death over life.

I wouldn’t be here today if my mom had caved to the pressure. You have the platform to encourage mothers to do the same, and as a bonus, you have more grateful and enthusiastic fans.

It could be easy to dismiss “one potential fan” considering the record-breaking demand for your Eras Tour which can fill at least 900 stadiums with approximately 70,000 seats per stadium.

That’s a staggering 63 million fans—an equivalent number to the lives lost due to abortion in the United States since Roe v. Wade. All those bright lights “Bigger Than the Whole Sky” for one show multiplied by 900 over almost 50 years vanished—it’s hard to imagine.

At your 1989 World Tour, you told your audience, “You have never looked more beautiful than you do tonight, all 76,000 of you. You should know one thing about me before we begin – I was born in 1989!”

Your mom gave you life but remember that your entire fandom would not be here today if their moms didn’t embrace life. You, and everyone else, deserve a birthday.

But back to your endorsement. Your statement isn’t merely a political statement; whether intentional or not, it’s a morally void one. Even if it’s an unpopular opinion amongst this young generation or among women, even you, Taylor Swift, will not convince me to stop standing against the poisoning, suctioning, and dismembering of a human child.

Promoting a stance that allows for late-term abortions undermines the potential of those lives yet to be lived. There is a better stance that empowers women and preborn children.

We can advocate for women without slaughtering their children.

We can provide support, resources, and compassion to women facing unplanned pregnancies without flushing preborn children down the toilet through chemical abortion or ripping them from their mother’s womb.

Taylor, at best, you haven’t actually done your research, and at worst, you’ve accepted and celebrated one of the greatest evils of our time. I hope it’s the former.

Please advocate for Swifties to live out their eras in their truest form, beginning in the womb. Who knows, maybe one day you’ll embrace pro-lifers like former President Donald Trump embraces Swifties. Together, we can work toward a society that respects and supports all lives, offering hope and opportunity rather than division.

I hope this letter serves as an invitation for further reflection on this crucial matter. Your influence can foster a more nuanced discussion about life and choice, and I believe that together, we can champion a future where every voice is heard and valued.

For Life,

Mary-Logan Miske

A Swiftie and Advocate for Life

Mary-Logan is a graduate of the University of San Diego with a BA in Communications Studies and a minor in Political Science. She served as the Presidential Intern for Marjorie Dannenfelser, President of Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, in the summer of 2021.

The views expressed in this piece are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.