Democrat Colin Allred Lies When Confronted Over Past Remarks About ‘Racist Wall’ He Vowed To Tear Down

Rep. Colin Allred (D-TX) lied this week when confronted during an interview that aired Sunday night about past remarks that he made about President Donald Trump’s border wall, claiming that his remarks were taken “out of context.”

Allred, who is running as the Democrat Senate nominee against Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), made the false claim while being asked about campaign ads that he is facing where Cruz quotes Allred as saying: “If they build that racist wall, my generation is the one that will tear it down.”

When asked if he still believed that the wall was “racist” and if he still supports tearing it down, Allred, who is trailing Cruz by several points in the polls, claimed: “Well, they were talking about, that’s a comment taken out of context, really.”

He immediately deflected from answering question and attacked Cruz for not supporting the Democrats’ border security bill that many experts argued would actually make the Biden-Harris border crisis even worse than it already is.

In a @tedcruz ad, @ColinAllredTX says “If they build that racist wall, my generation is the one that will tear it down.”

He told us that quote was “taken out of context” and walls are “an important part” of border security.

But, was that quote “taken out of context?” No.

— Ryan Chandler (@RyanChandlerTV) September 8, 2024

A clip from Allred’s 2018 primary race shows that he did make the remarks in the Cruz ad against him and that they were not taken out of context.

Allred called the issue “the biggest issue facing the Democratic Party”, claiming that Trump’s immigration plan was “a racist plan.”

“This plan is intended to take us back to a period in which we had a race-based immigration system,” he said. “I want to really briefly talk about this racist wall, because the symbol of this country cannot be a fence with a barbed wire on top of it. It has to remain the Statue of Liberty.”

“And I tell you what, if they build that wall, my generation will be the one that tears it down, because we will not have this in this country,” he said. “We will not have… We’re not going to waste billions of our dollars on a racist campaign promise, and we’re not going to turn the symbol of this country into a wall with barbed wire on top of it.”

Here’s the context from Allred’s 2018 primary.

“This racist wall… if they build that wall, my generation will be the one that tears it down.”

Two things can be true at the same time:
Allred’s immigration views have evolved since 2018, and that quote is perfectly in context.

— Ryan Chandler (@RyanChandlerTV) September 8, 2024

Cheney: If Americans Don’t Vote For Harris They’re ‘Abandoning The Constitution’

Former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) claimed during an interview over the weekend that voters would be “abandon[ing] the Constitution” if they do not vote for Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris in November.

Cheney made the remarks during a Sunday interview with Jonathan Karl on ABC News’ “This Week” while asked about her recent decision to endorse Harris over Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

Cheney’s endorsement of Harris comes despite her repeated warnings in the past about how far-left and dangerous is on numerous issues.

“Kamala Harris is a radical liberal who would raise taxes, take away guns & health insurance, and explode the size and power of the federal gov’t,” Cheney warned in 2020. “She wants to recreate America in the image of what’s happening on the streets of Portland & Seattle. We won’t give her the chance.”

Now Cheney claims that “those of us who are conservative, those of us who believe in fidelity to the Constitution have a responsibility and have a duty to recognize, this is not about partisan politics, and the country is going to need to rebuild true conservative movement when we’re through this election cycle.”

“But this November, casting a vote for Donald Trump or writing someone in means that you’ve made the decision in too many instances that so many elected Republicans have made which is to abandon the Constitution,” she continued, “to tell yourself that this is just simply, you know, a partisan choice. That’s not what we’re facing this time around.”


Liz Cheney: “This November, casting a vote for Donald Trump or writing someone in means you’ve made the decision that in too many instances so many elected Republicans have made, which is to abandon the Constitution, to tell yourself that this is simply a partisan choice. That’s…

— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) September 8, 2024