Hunter Biden Pleads Guilty To All Tax Crimes

Convicted felon Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, pled guilty to nine additional federal charges in Los Angeles on Thursday related to tax crimes that he committed.

The stunning reversal from Hunter Biden, who initially had pled not guilty, came as jury selection for the trial was supposed to start today, but was upended after Hunter Biden’s legal team submitted an Alford plea in federal court.

An Alford plea would allow him to acknowledge the strength of the case against him, accept whatever penalties he is sentenced to, but give him the ability to maintain his innocence.

Hunter Biden reportedly decided he wanted to avoid taking the case to trial because “he refused to subject his family to another round of anguish and humiliation after a gut-wrenching gun trial in Delaware three months ago.”

Prosecutors had dozens of witnesses lined up to testify during trial who were expected to deliver “embarrassing and salacious testimony” against the president’s son, The Washington Post reported.

The indictment against Hunter Biden stated that he blew his money on “drugs, escorts and girlfriends, luxury hotels and rental properties, exotic cars, clothing, and other items of a personal nature, in short, everything but his taxes.”

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The guilty plea was not part of any kind of deal that would have resulted in reduced punishment for Hunter Biden.

U.S. District Judge Mark Scarsi told Hunter Biden that the charges he pled guilty to carry a maximum sentence of up to 17 years in prison and a maximum fine of over $1 million. Sentencing in the case is scheduled for mid-December.

Hunter Biden was found guilty on all three felony counts that he faced in a federal criminal trial in June related to his illegal purchase of a firearm.

The charges he was convicted of included lying to a federally licensed firearms dealer, making a false claim on a federal firearms background check form, and being in possession of an illegally obtained firearm. Hunter Biden faces up to 25 years in prison for his crimes and up to $750,000 in fines in the gun case.

Russiagate II: Kamala’s Revenge

The shine on Kamala Harris is wearing off fast.

People forget that the first few weeks of her 2019 campaign were not a total disaster area; it took a few weeks for the shine to wear off. 

But now it’s wearing off, so the Democrats are activating Operation Russiagate II.

The Biden-Harris administration is making noise about Russia interfering in our elections again. Yesterday, Attorney General Merrick Garland announced indictments and seizures of internet domains related to Russian interference in the election. 

But here’s the thing: Various powers try to interfere in American elections. That is just reality. China has repeatedly attempted to interfere in American elections. Iran is attempting to interfere in the American election.

So it’s not a surprise that Russia will try to interfere in the American election. The difference is that when China does it, it is not a national news story. When Iran does it, it’s buried.

But when it’s Russia, the basic idea is that Russia is going to intervene in the election in such deep and nefarious ways that everyone will be deceived.

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This feels like the Biden-Harris administration is setting up the predicate for a crackdown on social media, for a crackdown on tech companies that allow free speech, for a crackdown on X or Right-wing media. 

The Biden administration is going to play this to the hilt. 

According to Mediaite

The Biden administration is preparing to publicly accuse Russia of launching a sustained campaign to influence the 2024 presidential elections using on Kremlin-controlled media and online platforms to spread disinformation.

The accusation will be part of a broader set of actions expected to be announced on Wednesday, including law enforcement efforts aimed at curbing the alleged Russian operation.

This only makes sense in the context of 2020, when American defense and intelligence apparatus were warning people like Mark Zuckerberg they needed to shut down the Hunter Biden story because it might be Russian disinformation.

The Biden-Harris administration is setting the ground for that right now. Before the campaign ends, the Biden administration is going to make claims it’s Russian disinformation.

This is a convenient excuse to siphon off any sort of viewership of that information.

Mediaite continues, writing:

According to four sources who talked exclusively to CNN, Russian state media outlet RT is a central focus of the US response, with officials viewing it as a key tool in the Kremlin’s propaganda machine with disinformation being funneled through both American and foreign voices. 

That would not be a shock. RT obviously has a vested interest in particular points of view being elevated. But the question is: How much real impact is that going to have on the election?

The reason the media are covering this extensively is that they want to send this message: The only way Donald Trump can win is if the Russians somehow manipulate Americans into voting for him. 

But the reality is that Russia and its ability to interfere through disinformation in the American election is extremely limited.

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The reality is that the opposition to Harris is driven by the fact that Biden’s an unpopular president and she’s a terrible candidate. Support for President Trump is the same as it ever was. For some people, it is driven by a personal liking for Trump. For people like me, the driving force behind voting for him is that his first presidency had a lot of tremendous policy attached to it.

But we’re going to hear all about Russia and disinformation.

We’ve seen this movie before.