CNN Scorches Kamala For Using Trump’s Border Wall In Campaign Videos

Vice President Kamala Harris, after years of decrying former President Donald Trump’s border wall as racist and un-American, is now using footage featuring that very wall in political ads for her 2024 presidential campaign — and CNN caught her at it.

“Out Front” anchor Erin Burnett ran with the story, noting Harris’ previous criticism of Trump’s border policies in general, and the wall specifically. She went on to point out that Harris, whose turn as President Joe Biden’s border czar has been marked with failures, took to using images of the border wall when it became clear that the American people opposed her open-borders policy.


CNN Confirms Kamala Harris is using President Trump’s wall in her border ads. He actually secured the border. She opened it up for criminals.

— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) September 5, 2024

Citing a K-File investigation, Burnett said that Harris had posted to social media more than 50 times since 2017 attacking Trump over the border wall.

“But now, new Harris campaign ads actually showcase that very wall,” Burnett continued, showing video that referenced Harris’ time as a “border state prosecutor” and painted her as tough on illegal immigration.

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Burnett also referenced Harris’ 2019 book, in which she documented her opposition to the wall as follows: “But there was a bigger reason to oppose the border wall. A useless wall on the southern border would be nothing more than a symbol, a monument standing in opposition to not just everything I value, but to the fundamental values upon which this country was built. How could I vote to build what would be little more than a monument, designed to send the cold, hard message, ‘Keep out’?”

Since taking over the campaign in late July, after the Democratic Party summarily axed President Joe Biden from the 2024 ticket, Harris has had her media surrogates working overtime to distance her from the open-border policies that have marked the Biden-Harris administration’s approach to illegal immigration. That move comes in the wake of a number of highly publicized violent crimes tied to illegal aliens who entered the United States on Harris’ watch — in addition to polling that indicates a majority of Americans are in favor of much stronger enforcement of immigration laws.

Sen. Cruz Warns That Illegal Immigration Means ‘Democrats Win Every Election Forever’

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) warned on his podcast that Vice President Kamala Harris wants to encourage mass illegal immigration into the United States because it could secure Democratic victory in American elections indefinitely.

Cruz tore into the Biden-Harris administration’s performance on the border as he explained that Democrats are enabling mass illegal immigration into the United States to bolster their longterm political ambitions.

The senator from Texas argued that Democrats want to increase the number of illegal immigrants present in the country “by 20 million, to be 30 million, to be 40 million,” explaining that “in their view, if that happens, Democrats win every election forever and ever.”

Cruz went on to assert that Harris and the Democrats want to use mass illegal immigration “to fundamentally shift the policies of the United States of America and to move them dramatically to the left.”

“Kamala Harris wants more illegal aliens to invade America because she views every single illegal alien as a future Democrat voter,” he stated in a post on X before pointing out that the Mexican government is also enabling mass illegal immigration into the United States.

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Cruz specifically pointed to the Mexican government’s practice of busing non-Mexican migrants to America’s southern border if they are attempting to claim asylum in the United States.

While migrants could previously only book asylum appointments from northern Mexico, the Biden-Harris administration recently changed the policy to allow migrants in southern Mexico to set up asylum appointments as well.

Cruz’s statements come amid broader concerns that illegal immigrants could fundamentally alter America’s electoral landscape.

One data analysis found that Democrats win 90 percent of Congressional seats in districts that have a higher than average foreign born population, while polling from Pew found that just four percent of illegal immigrants from a Hispanic background favor the GOP over the Democrats. The data also found that legal permanent residents and foreign-born U.S. citizens support Democrats 49 to 8 percent and 54 to 11 percent, respectively.

Illegal immigrant amnesty or fraudulent voting could also have an outsized impact in critical states. All 15 counties in Arizona, for example, were just named in a lawsuit from America First Legal, which claimed that they failed to remove illegal immigrants from the voter rolls. Arizona, which is worth 11 electoral college votes, is a crucial swing state that could determine the fate of the 2024 presidential election.

Even if illegal immigrants do not receive amnesty or are unable to vote, their presence in the United States could still sway the balance of power in the Congress toward the Democrats. Elon Musk has specifically accused the Democratic Party of leveraging illegal immigration to grow their political power, in part by allowing illegal immigrants to be counted in the Congressional district apportionment process, as immigration status is not accounted for in the census.

More than 10 million people have crossed the border under the Biden-Harris administration, with an estimated 1.7 million illegal immigrant gotaways recorded since Biden was inaugurated in 2021. There were 415,000 total reported gotaways for 2018, 2019, and 2020 during the Trump administration.