Spin Cycle: The Reinvention Of Kamala, Part 647

For those who don’t spend their Sunday mornings glued to the television — and their Sunday afternoons attempting to dig through a week’s worth of network and cable news media spin — The Daily Wire has compiled a short summary of what you may have missed.

The media spin on Sunday was focused once again on helping Vice President Kamala Harris — who until four weeks ago boasted about being the last one in the Situation Room as President Joe Biden was making important policy decisions — reinvent and reintroduce herself as an agent of change wholly unconnected to the disastrous policies of the president with whom she had just recently claimed to be working alongside.

During a panel discussion on ABC’s “This Week,” former Democratic National Committee Chair Donna Brazile raved about last week’s “joyful” Democratic National Convention and the fact that she had seen more Republicans there than ever before. Brazile did not comment on the fact that Vice President Kamala Harris, now the Democratic Party’s official 2024 nominee, had been foisted upon them despite never having won a single primary vote on her own merits.

“I’ve never seen so much unity at a Democratic convention,” host Jonathan Karl began. “There always are dissenters. Is it going to last?”

“Absolutely,” Brazile insisted, adding, “I saw more Republicans at the Democratic Convention than I’ve seen at any other time in my entire life.”

Brazile went on to claim that Harris had used the convention to “define” herself — and while it is true that Harris told a few stories about her upbringing and her personal history, she failed to introduce or reinforce a single policy position other than unfettered access to abortion (even during the convention).

“I saw more Republicans at the Democratic Convention than I’ve seen at any other time in my entire life,” former DNC chair @DonnaBrazile tells @JonKarl after the “joyful convention” in Chicago. https://t.co/Tx4zHaoQtD pic.twitter.com/F9HR5BTz2Q

— This Week (@ThisWeekABC) August 25, 2024

Politico’s Jonathan Martin also weighed in, and whether intentionally or not, said the quiet part out loud: the Democratic Party appeared completely unfazed by the fact that Harris was literally reinventing herself in real time, behaving as though the radical policy positions she espoused during her short-lived 2019 presidential campaign had never existed at all.

“What’s incredible is the party is so united that they have given her a pass effectively to reinvent herself whole cloth from her 2019 ill-fated bid for the presidency,” he said.

“What’s incredible is the party is so united that they have given her a pass effectively to reinvent herself whole cloth from her 2019 ill-fated bid for the presidency,” Politico’s @jmart says of Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris. https://t.co/aAym3my8t6 pic.twitter.com/AN7fwRAzUV

— This Week (@ThisWeekABC) August 25, 2024

On CBS News’ “Face the Nation,” anchor Margaret Brennan pointed to the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, executed by the Biden-Harris administration three years ago, and asked whether the specter of that debacle would follow Harris as she attempted to put distance between herself and almost every Biden-Harris policy.

Brennan asked the question of Rep. Pat Ryan (D-NY), a veteran who had previously cited the Afghanistan withdrawal as a reason that President Biden should not seek reelection.

“We’ve got to stop assigning partisan blame on fundamental things like national security,” Ryan said, suggesting that Harris was simply being attached to Biden’s decision for political convenience. At the time, however, Harris had bragged about being the last person in the room when Biden had made the call to pull everyone out of Afghanistan. The Biden-Harris administration then presided over the chaotic evacuation of American citizens and the resulting deaths of 13 American service-members — in a terror attack at Kabul airport’s Abbey Gate — and left hundred if not thousands of Afghan allies behind to defend themselves against the Taliban.

.@margbrennan asks Democratic @RepPatRyanNY, who pointed to the Afghanistan troop withdrawal in his call for President Biden to not seek reelection, if the failure is also Vice President Harris’?

“We’ve got to stop assigning partisan blame on fundamental things like national… pic.twitter.com/06W6ESh3pS

— Face The Nation (@FaceTheNation) August 25, 2024

CNN anchor Jake Tapper asked the obvious question on “State of the Union,” pressing Senate Cory Booker (D-NJ) on the fact that Harris has a record as the sitting Vice President and is desperately trying to hold herself up as a candidate who will bring “change” if elected.

“A new chapter? I mean, she’s the incumbent vice president,” Tapper pointed out, noting that the entire Democratic Party appeared to be ready to help her outrun that fact. “Democrats have controlled the White House for 12 of the last 16 years. How can Democrats talk about a new chapter, turning the page? You guys are the ones writing the book.”

Booker claimed in response that “MAGA Republicans” were still exercising control over Democrats, and said that the 2024 election was a way to “finally kill that strain of the Republican Party” so that “pragmatic Republicans” — by which he appeared to mean Republicans who were willing to compromise — could regain control of the party.

.@jaketapper presses Sen. @CoryBooker on Democrats framing Harris as a change candidate: “She’s the incumbent vice president… How can Democrats talk about a new chapter, turning the page? You guys are the ones writing the book.” pic.twitter.com/vGapOSQ07T

— State of the Union (@CNNSOTU) August 25, 2024

On MSNBC’s “Inside with Jen Psaki,” Dan Pfeiffer told the former White House Press Secretary that Harris was making politics about something beside former President Donald Trump — making no mention of the fact that at the DNC, Trump got more mentions on just the first day than major issues like inflation, the border, and the war between Israel and Hamas got the entire week.

“Over the last month here, [Harris] has made politics for the first time in nearly a decade about something other than Donald Trump, and that is what is driving Donald Trump absolutely insane,” he claimed.

.@danpfeiffer: “Over the last month here, [Harris] has made politics for the first time in nearly a decade about something other than Donald Trump, and that is what is driving Donald Trump absolutely insane.” pic.twitter.com/Kai20qMkdq

— Inside with Jen Psaki (@InsideWithPsaki) August 25, 2024

Tom Cotton Scorches ABC News’ Jon Karl Over Claims About Kamala Harris

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) skewered ABC News host Jonathan Karl during an interview on Sunday over false remarks that he made about Democratic presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris’ policy positions.

The remarks on the network’s “This Week” happened when Cotton correctly pointed out the numerous ways that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is different from Harris, who has supported “decriminalizing illegal immigration or giving taxpayer-funded health insurance to illegal aliens or taking away health insurance on the job for 170 million Americans, banning gas cars, confiscating firearms.>

“What do you mean taking away health insurance?” Karl snapped at Cotton. “What are you talking about?”

“She said when she ran for president that she wants to eliminate private health insurance on the job of 170 million Americans, Jon,” Cotton correctly noted.

Karl responded by claiming that that position was “not her position now.”

“How do you know that’s not her position? How do you know that’s not her position?” Cotton pressed.

Karl claimed that she no longer supports the position, which Harris has not indicated.

“She has not said that. She has not said that. She has not said that,” Cotton fired back. “Maybe anonymous aides on a Friday night have said that, but the last thing that she said –”

Karl cut off Cotton and claimed that Harris was “not taking the positions of the far left of her party.”

“She’s clearly making an effort to move to the middle,” Karl claimed.

Cotton noted that during Karl’s interview with Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) that Sanders was “very disappointed” that Harris was trying to “hide her positions.”

“The American people are totally justified to conclude that Kamala Harris is a dangerous San Francisco liberal based on what she campaigned on the last time she ran for president and what this administration has done for the last four years,” he said. “Again, you would have thought watching the Democratic convention last week that the Democrats are not in office, that they’re not in power, that they’re campaigning against an incumbent Republican, when in reality she’s been part of the failures of the Biden-Harris administration for four years. And when she campaigned for president in her own right, she did in fact promise things like decriminalizing illegal immigration, taking away —”

Karl again cut Cotton off, claiming that Harris has “clearly changed” her positions, which she has not.

“No, no, she has not,” Cotton fired back. “Jon, she has not said.”


On #ThisWeek, @JonKarl unaware of Harris’s stance against private health insurance. When @SenTomCotton notes it, Karl: “What do you mean taking away health insurance? What are talking about?” Then: “That is not her position now….clearly making an effort to move to the middle.” pic.twitter.com/dLk3LEnuCp

— Brent Baker 🇺🇦 🇮🇱 (@BrentHBaker) August 25, 2024