Senator Booker: It’s Time To ‘Finally Kill’ MAGA ‘Strain’ Of GOP

Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) said during an interview over the weekend that it was time to “finally kill” the MAGA-wing of the Republican Party which comes a little over a month after a would be assassin tried to murder Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump at a political rally in Pennsylvania.

Booker made the remarks during a Sunday interview on CNN’s “State of the Union” when asked by host Jake Tapper how Democrats can claim that Democratic presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris is a “new chapter” for the party considering that she is the incumbent in the race.

“Democrats have controlled the White House for 12 of the last 16 years,” Tapper said. “How can Democrats talk about a new chapter, turning the page? You guys are the ones writing the book.”

“Well, you know that that’s not true, Jake, because you know politics like I do,” Booker claimed. “Right now, we see the MAGA Republicans in Congress killing all kind of pragmatic policies that we need to get done.”

Booker falsely claimed that Trump killed the border deal that was proposed in the U.S. Senate when, in reality, it received widespread pushback from across the political Right for being an insufficient response to the crisis that has unfolded under the Biden-Harris administration.

“His influence is egregious and incredible, from his appointment of three people to the Supreme Court that are now rolling back the most fundamental of our rights and freedoms, like bodily autonomy and reproductive rights,” he claimed. “So, to say that the MAGA Republicans are not still undermining commonsense, pragmatic, sensible politics is just wrong. And what I know this election can do is finally kill that strain of the Republican Party in a way that I think helps the pragmatic Republicans come back.”

Moments after claiming that it was time to “finally kill” MAGA, Booker said that he “can’t stand this tribalism” and the “us versus them” mindset.


Corey Booker: This election can “finally kill” the MAGA “strain of the Republican Party.”

Trump was almost assass*nated weeks ago. A man was arrested last week for another assass*nation plot.

Yet they are not going to stop with this kind of incendiary, inflammatory and…

— Western Lensman (@WesternLensman) August 25, 2024

Vance: Trump Would Veto Abortion Ban, Wants To End ‘Culture War’ On Abortion

Republican vice presidential nominee Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) said during an interview over the weekend that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump would veto a federal abortion ban if it came across his desk.

Vance made the remarks during a Sunday interview on NBC News’ “Meet The Press” when asked about the issue of abortion, which Democrats have turned into one of their top issues heading into the November elections.

Host Kristen Welker asked: “Can you commit, Senator, sitting right here with me today, that if you and Donald Trump are elected that you will not impose a federal ban on abortion?”

“I can absolutely commit that, Kristen,” Vance said. “And Donald Trump has been as clear about that as possible. I think it’s important to step back and say, ‘What has Donald Trump actually said on the abortion question, and how is it different from what Kamala Harris and the Democrats have said?’ Donald Trump wants to end this culture war over this particular topic.”

“Donald Trump’s view is that we want the individual states, and their individual cultures, and their unique political sensibilities to make these decisions because we don’t want to have a nonstop federal conflict over this issue,” he added. “The federal government ought to be focused on getting food prices down, getting housing prices down. Issues, of course, where Kamala Harris has been a total disaster. So I think Donald Trump is right. We want the federal government to focus on these big economic and immigration questions. Let the states figure out their own abortion policies.”

When asked if he would veto a federal abortion ban, Vance said: “I think he would. He’s said that explicitly that he would.”


Kristen Welker: “Can you commit, Senator, sitting right here with me today, that if you and Donald Trump are elected, that you will not impose a federal ban on abortion?”

JD Vance: “I can absolutely commit that.”

— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) August 25, 2024