Tom Cotton Scorches ABC News’ Jon Karl Over Claims About Kamala Harris

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) skewered ABC News host Jonathan Karl during an interview on Sunday over false remarks that he made about Democratic presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris’ policy positions.

The remarks on the network’s “This Week” happened when Cotton correctly pointed out the numerous ways that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is different from Harris, who has supported “decriminalizing illegal immigration or giving taxpayer-funded health insurance to illegal aliens or taking away health insurance on the job for 170 million Americans, banning gas cars, confiscating firearms.>

“What do you mean taking away health insurance?” Karl snapped at Cotton. “What are you talking about?”

“She said when she ran for president that she wants to eliminate private health insurance on the job of 170 million Americans, Jon,” Cotton correctly noted.

Karl responded by claiming that that position was “not her position now.”

“How do you know that’s not her position? How do you know that’s not her position?” Cotton pressed.

Karl claimed that she no longer supports the position, which Harris has not indicated.

“She has not said that. She has not said that. She has not said that,” Cotton fired back. “Maybe anonymous aides on a Friday night have said that, but the last thing that she said –”

Karl cut off Cotton and claimed that Harris was “not taking the positions of the far left of her party.”

“She’s clearly making an effort to move to the middle,” Karl claimed.

Cotton noted that during Karl’s interview with Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) that Sanders was “very disappointed” that Harris was trying to “hide her positions.”

“The American people are totally justified to conclude that Kamala Harris is a dangerous San Francisco liberal based on what she campaigned on the last time she ran for president and what this administration has done for the last four years,” he said. “Again, you would have thought watching the Democratic convention last week that the Democrats are not in office, that they’re not in power, that they’re campaigning against an incumbent Republican, when in reality she’s been part of the failures of the Biden-Harris administration for four years. And when she campaigned for president in her own right, she did in fact promise things like decriminalizing illegal immigration, taking away —”

Karl again cut Cotton off, claiming that Harris has “clearly changed” her positions, which she has not.

“No, no, she has not,” Cotton fired back. “Jon, she has not said.”


On #ThisWeek, @JonKarl unaware of Harris’s stance against private health insurance. When @SenTomCotton notes it, Karl: “What do you mean taking away health insurance? What are talking about?” Then: “That is not her position now….clearly making an effort to move to the middle.”

— Brent Baker 🇺🇦 🇮🇱 (@BrentHBaker) August 25, 2024

Senator Graham: DNC Was ‘A Hate Fest’, Americans Not ‘Joyful’ Under Harris

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) slammed the Democratic National Convention (DNC) during an interview over the week for being a cesspool of “hate” while trying to sell their presidential nominee, Vice President Kamala Harris, as being the source of “joy.”

Graham made the remarks during a Sunday interview on CNN’s “State of the Union” with host Jake Tapper when asked about the large fundraising numbers Democrats have secured over the last several weeks.

“If you’re a Republican, you saw a hate fest. You saw a hate fest full of insults,” Graham said. “And Donald Trump said to Barack Obama, you’re a nice man after President Obama insulted and jabbed President Trump continuously. It was designed to draw him into an exchange of insults. It was light on policy, heavy on insults.”

“So I told President Trump then and now, you’re going to win this thing if you focus on policy,” he continued. “Americans are not joyful when they go to the gas station and fill up their car. They’re not joyful when they make their mortgage payment. They’re not joyful when they go to the grocery store. People are hurting.”

“And this whole joy lovefest doesn’t exist in the real world. Gas was $1.87 a gallon when President Trump left office. We had the most secure border in the last 40 years. Inflation was down, not up, and the world was not on fire,” he added. “So, 60 percent of Americans are not joyful. They believe their country is going in the wrong direction. And I think President Trump offers the best solution to change the trajectory of the country. And, finally, if you’re waiting on Kamala Harris to come up with new policies, you’re going to die of waiting, because she will continue what they have been doing for the last four years.”