Rep. Waltz Torches Walz On CNN: ‘If He’s So Damn Proud,’ Why Does He ‘Embellish’ And ‘Lie’?

Rep. Mike Waltz (R-FL) got into a heated debate with CNN’s Brianna Keilar on Wednesday over Governor Tim Walz (D-MN) and his repeated efforts to embellish or even outright lie about his time serving in the Army National Guard.

Walz is scheduled to make a speech at the Democratic National Convention officially accepting the party’s nomination for the vice presidency, and Waltz was one of a number of Republicans who signed an official letter condemning the Minnesota Democrat’s exaggerations, implications, and lies regarding his time in service.

Keilar asked Waltz about the letter during a Wednesday segment, repeatedly accusing Waltz and other Republicans of attacking Walz’s service — Waltz was quick to explain that it was not the service itself that anyone was attacking, but rather the lies about it.


We’re NOT attacking Tim Walz’s service. We just want to know, if he is “damn proud” of it, why has he continued to misrepresent and lie about it his entire career?

The veterans community is waiting for his answer.

— Rep. Mike Waltz (@michaelgwaltz) August 21, 2024

Keilar began by saying that the letter was an attack on Walz’s military service, adding, “Why are you doing that?”

“No, I disagree. I’m sorry, Brianna –” Waltz pushed back.

“You were attacking — well, I read the letter — so then, OK, you are attacking his representation of –” Keilar tried again.

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“I am attacking the lies about his service,” Waltz clarified.

“Let me say what’s in the letter. The comment about the gun, the weapon of war that he obviously didn’t carry into war, and he should answer a question about that,” Keilar said. “And how he represented his retired rank, which was obviously different than what he was promoted to and what he retained after retirement. But also that issue of whether he abandoned his unit for a deployment to Iraq and did not go.”

Keilar then played a clip of one veteran who had served with Walz — who did not necessarily share his political views — but defended his military record. She did not play clips of others who have spoken out after serving with Walz — including the Command Sergeant Major who ultimately replaced him on the deployment in question — who have repeatedly stated that he left his men high and dry.

“I mean, that man hates Tim Walz’s politics, despises them, is not going to vote for him. But he served with him and he knows his service,” Keilar pressed. “So why are you and other Republicans doing this?”

“Well, I want to be clear and correct your characterization,” Waltz said again. “I’m not attacking his service … He said he’s proud of that service. If he’s so damn proud about it, why does he have to continue to embellish it and to lie about it? Because the facts are clear. He was promoted to sergeant major, but he didn’t do the things necessary to retire at that rank and was demoted. And yet there is ample — hundreds, hundreds of incidences where he is describing himself as a retired command sergeant major. That may sound like semantics to some, but to veterans, and particularly enlisted veterans, that matters. It’s a lie, it’s a misrepresentation and exaggeration, and he should account for that. I can tell you as —”

“It’s not stolen — it’s not stolen valor,” Keilar insisted. “I just want to be clear, and the letter, I’m reading this, I’m reading this, Mike and quote ‘abandoning the men and women under your leadership, just as they were getting ready to deploy, was certainly not honorable either.’ That is an attack on his service.”

“That is attack on the decision to not go to combat with his unit as a leader,” Waltz rebutted.

The conversation continued until Waltz finally said, “Brianna, you know, rather than defending these decisions, I wish you would interview him and ask him those questions, or that he would at least sit down and answer for these inconsistencies. The other thing we say in the letter is repeatedly he was described in front of him, introduced at events, described in articles, as a combat veteran and he did nothing to correct it. And he still today is doing nothing to correct it. So he clearly implied and allow others to describe himself as a combat veteran, and he clearly exaggerated his service, which he shouldn’t have done for political gain. That is unacceptable to the veterans community. It’s an insult to those who did what it took to be a command sergeant major and retire.”

“That goes to both his judgment and Harris’ judgment when he’s going to be a heartbeat away as commander-in-chief and likely the only person with any military experience in the room,” Waltz added.

“Yeah, look, he has some questions to answer for —” Keilar agreed, adding, “I don’t know if it’s worth burning down 24 years of service.”

“I wish he would sit down instead of me or JD Vance and answer those questions. The American people deserve it, the veterans community certainly deserve it,” Waltz shot back.

Why Young Voters Will Flock To President Trump This November

Like all elections, the 2024 presidential election will bring a new wave of Americans to the polls. This year, many Gen-Z members will cast their vote for the first time. As someone who spent 40 years working with America’s youth as a coach and educator, I am proud that our country encourages our young people to make their voices heard. 

This presidential election happens to be an incredibly consequential one too. It’s a choice between two distinct visions for America. I believe President Trump’s vision for our country will bring young voters into the Republican Party like we’ve never seen before. And there is good reason to believe this will happen.

Let’s look at the two different visions for America. On one hand, you have President Trump’s vision of a free, prosperous, and safe America where young people can work hard to achieve the American dream. According to President Trump’s vision, merit, content of character, and love of country will bring you success.

On the other hand, there is the Democratic Party which is the political wing of the “Woke HR Complex” that is ruling our country today. This Woke HR Complex includes corporate America, the mainstream media, Hollywood, and the higher education system. Together, this regime determines winners and losers in our country based on identity, like racial and sexual identity, and judges you based on your adherence to Wokism. It’s like a country-wide HR department that polices people who dare challenge the prevailing liberal narrative.

The main rule of the Woke HR Complex is simple: in order to succeed, make sure you adhere 100% to the standards of political correctness and identity politics. Be sure to never offend the liberal sensibilities of the regime. If you ask questions, you will be labeled an “extremist,” “conspiracy theorist,” or worse. If you transgress the Complex, you will be disciplined, like an HR department, for attempting to think freely.

Gone are the days of Democrats being the party of “free thinkers,” anti-establishment figures, and working-class populists. Democrats like RFK Jr. or Tulsi Gabbard who bravely questioned the liberal-elite narrative were outlawed and ostracized by the Party. 

It is my belief that young Americans will reject this vision for our country. Young people don’t want to be told that they must think a certain way or that they are a prisoner to their own circumstances. They don’t want to be reduced to their skin color, sexual preferences, or by how well they adhere to liberal cultural guidelines. Young people inherently like to challenge the status quo—and the Democratic Party doesn’t permit its members to do so.

Instead, young people want a country that gives them an opportunity stand on their own two feet. They want to think for themselves and not be canceled for questioning the Complex’s equation for success. They’re growing tired of the same old liberal talking points parroted by the media, universities, and corporate America—they want to break free. 

It’s probably why politically incorrect or “edgy” entertainers are making a splash with young people. Take the massive popularity of comedians like Shane Gillis and Joe Rogan. Online streamers are also gaining huge followings for speaking their mind. Trump’s campaign understands this phenomenon and has brilliantly set-up interviews between President Trump and prominent influencers like Jake Paul and Adin Ross. Young people are drawn to these figures because they question the Complex’s narrative—and they see that President Trump is doing the same. If polls are to be believed, perhaps this is why Trump is making inroads with young voters.

In my own experience as a coach, I’ve worked with thousands of young people across the country. I had kids of all races, ethnicities, and socio-economic backgrounds on my teams. I’ve coached both men and women’s sports. What was common with all these young adults is that they believed in working hard and earning success on their own merit. They loved to ask questions to figure out how to be the best. They needed a leader to guide them and encourage them to ask questions, not police their thoughts and actions. Similarly, President Trump will provide our Nation’s young people with the environment and the tools needed to prosper.

Many Republican pundits will say that it’s President Trump’s policies that are winning young people over. I agree that his excellent policies play a big part. But many Establishment Republicans don’t see what’s so obvious to young voters: President Trump is a breath of fresh air in the stuffy HR department age we live in. 

I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that when young Americans mark an “X” next to Donald J. Trump’s name on Nov. 5, they are taking a revolutionary stance against the toxic groupthink culture represented by Kamala Harris and the Democrat Party. I believe that President Trump offers an alternative to the Woke HR Complex and that many young Americans will choose this path in November.

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Tommy Tuberville is the senior United States Senator from Alabama. Prior to that, he spent 40 years in higher education as a coach and educator.

The views expressed in this piece are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.