Don Lemon Shares Surprising Video Of Female Voters In Chicago Revealing Who They’re Voting For

Former CNN host Don Lemon shared a video on social media Wednesday showing women he interviewed on the street who revealed who they were going to vote for in the upcoming election.

The left-wing journalist interviewed white and black women on the streets of Chicago and all of the women who he included in the video said that they were voting for Trump.

The first woman that Lemon interviewed said: “I’m going for Trump. I feel like every time they don’t want somebody who is good for us to win, they throw somebody black in our face, thinking that’s gonna, like, make us vote for the black person.”

“I’m going for Trump,” she later added. “Kamala was on Biden’s team, and I don’t like Biden. Gas wasn’t this high when Trump was our president. Food wasn’t this high. I’m going for Trump.”

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The next woman said that she voted for Obama because he was black and that she did not want to vote for Harris “because she’s the first black woman to run for president or to win.”

“I’m supporting Trump,” the woman said. “Because it has to change. It has to change, and now I vote more for what fits me better as a person, rather than voting for the black person or voting for the first woman.”

Another woman said that she was voting for Trump because “we had good times with Donald Trump.”

When asked what she thought about Harris, the woman said: “I don’t like her, the way she speaks, the giddiness, the laughing, everything’s a joke, and it’s not a joke. We’re in trouble.”

A fifth woman told Lemon that she, too, was voting for Trump because she has “always been a fan of his.”


When asked about Harris, the woman said: “She’s phony and fake. You know what I’m saying? … I’m not feeling her.”

A sixth woman from Virginia told Lemon that she used to be against Trump until she moved to Ohio and “saw the other side” of his policies, presumably because she moved from a blue state to a red state.


Women on Trump vs. Harris…🇺🇸

— Don Lemon (@donlemon) August 20, 2024

Trump Jr. Pins Assassination Attempt On ‘Propagandists’ In The Media

Donald Trump Jr. pinned responsibility for the assassination attempt on his father last month on the years of hatred that the mainstream media has directed at him.

Trump Jr. made the remarks during an exclusive interview with The Daily Wire during live coverage of the Democratic National Convention (DNC) on Tuesday when asked about the media’s honeymoon period with Democratic presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris.

He said that he believes that those in the media — whom he described earlier as “regime propagandists” — are going to do whatever they can to continue helping Harris avoid accountability for as long as possible.

“She’s been the presumptive nominee for basically a month, she has yet to answer any actual questions,” he said. “I think the only interview I saw her doing was with her communist running mate, Tim Walz, where they interviewed themselves.”

“But she’s not taken really any questions from the press,” he added. “Anything she’s done has been scripted on a teleprompter, and no one in the media even cares. No one’s even saying, ‘Hey, should we maybe actually hear from what will be the actual nominee, but certainly the presumptive nominee?’ And I guess they’re fine just running the same playbook, which is, you know, let’s hide her in the basement. We know she’s not good off-script. She’s not even that good on script, but the more we can keep her from real people, the more we can keep her, you know, on-script and not impromptu, the better it is for us to be able to perpetuate the lie and install the candidate of their choice.”

Tickets for “Am I Racist?” are on sale NOW! Buy here for a theater near you.

He called the media “truly embarrassing” and a “disgrace” to the country and hypocritical for calling Republicans a threat to democracy while not holding Harris accountable over her record.

“They seem to be able to run roughshod over all of those things, but again, that’s nothing new,” he said. “They called everyone in the world a fascist, and yet, they’re the ones that want to jail their political opposition. They’re the ones that want to censor and silence them. They are the ones that, you know, ultimately caused an assassination attempt of the leading candidate of the opposition party.”


.@DonaldJTrumpJr describes the media as a “disgrace to democracy,” criticizing their role in shaping political narratives.

— Daily Wire (@realDailyWire) August 21, 2024