Trump: Harris ‘To Eliminate Private Health Insurance And Give Free Tax Payer-Funded Health Care To Every Single Illegal Alien’

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump took aim at Democratic presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris during a Saturday rally in Pennsylvania over many of the policy proposals that she has previously signaled that she supports.

Trump highlighted Harris’ remarks where she said she wants to eliminate private health insurance and give illegal aliens in the U.S. healthcare.

“Kamala Harris wants to eliminate private health insurance and give free tax-payer funded healthcare to every single illegal alien in this country,” he said. “And then you wonder, why do they come up? You know why they come up? Because guys like [California Governor Gavin] Newsom and others are saying, ‘Come up. Come to our country will give you health care.'”

Trump noted that the millions of illegal aliens who have flooded into the U.S. under the Biden-Harris administration have taken away from services meant for Americans, like children being displaced at their schools to make room for illegal aliens.

“People are taking the seats of your children, your children can’t go to school, and you have people taking their seats that don’t speak a word of English, come from a foreign country, and your kids aren’t getting educated,” he said. “Your kids are not getting educated. They’re considered like secondary citizens. And this is Kamala and Joe to a lesser extent. Look, Joe’s lost … forget him.”

Trump said that he would leave the Affordable Care Act in place unless Republicans can find a “better” system to implement.

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“We’ll keep it, but we can do much better. It’s too expensive for the people,” he said. “They can’t afford it. It’s lousy health care. If we can do something better, we’re working on it, if we can do something better, but we will never let anybody touch it unless we have something better.”

“We’re going to deliver lower prices, lower drug costs, and new options that will dramatically reduce the crushing burden on all American patients and Kamala and crooked Joe, they try and take credit for $35 insulin, but I was the one that did the $35 insulin, not them,” he concluded.


PRESIDENT TRUMP: Kamala Harris wants to eliminate private health insurance and give free tax-payer funded healthcare to every single illegal alien in this country. By contrast, I am going to keep the Affordable Care Act unless we can do something much better, and by better, I’m…

— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) August 17, 2024

Trump Hammers ‘Comrade Kamala’ Over Her Plan For ‘Soviet’ Price Controls: ‘Will Cause Rationing’

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump hit Democratic presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris over the weekend after she rolled out her economic policy agenda that included price controls.

Harris received intense blowback over her agenda, including from CNN and The Washington Post Editorial Board, as one economic columnist noted that Harris was trying to pin the blame for inflation on big business instead of owning up to the fact that it was the Biden-Harris administration’s policies that sparked the inflation crisis.

“Kamala went full-communist. She went full-communist,” Trump said during a rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday. “She wants to destroy our country. After causing catastrophic inflation, comrade Kamala announced that she wants to institute socialist price controls. You saw that, never worked before. Never ever worked. This is the Maduro plan, Venezuela, Maduro plan of the old Soviet Union. They tried it. How did the Soviet Union work out? It became Russia.”

“It will cause rationing, hunger, and skyrocketing prices, just like their Inflation Reduction Act caused one of the great scams of all time,” he continued. “They got it approved with a beautiful name, Inflation Reduction, because inflation under their system has been so bad, it’s gone up much more than 50%, you know they say 30%, 40%, 50% … people are being devastated. They’re being devastated, but it’s gone way up, way up.”

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Trump later noted that Harris effectively admitted in a speech yesterday that everything had become more expensive during the Biden-Harris administration and that her speech writer will probably get fired as a result of including that admission in her remarks.


“Kamala went full communist; she wants to destroy our country.” – President Donald Trump

Watch our complete coverage of President Trump’s Speech here:

— Real America’s Voice (RAV) (@RealAmVoice) August 17, 2024

Related: Left-Wing Economic Columnist Blasts Harris’ Price Controls: ‘Hard To Exaggerate How Bad This Policy Is’