UN-Backed Report Suggests Normalizing Pedophilia, Decriminalizing All Sexual Activity

A United Nations-backed report published last month suggests global leaders normalize pedophilia by allowing children to legally decide on engaging in sexual activities with adults.

Wrapped inside a human-rights-based analysis on the impact of criminal laws proscribing sexual and reproductive health rights, consensual sexual activity, and gender ideology the International Committee of Jurists (ICJ), UNAIDS and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) published the report — which calls for offenses related to “sex, drug use, HIV, sexual and reproductive health, homelessness and poverty” to be decriminalized.

“Sexual conduct involving persons below the domestically prescribed minimum age of consent to sex may be consensual in fact, if not in law,” the Geneva-based ICJ wrote.

Authors of the report further advise lawyers, judges, and law enforcement to consider “the rights and capacity of persons under 18 years of age to make decisions about engaging in consensual sexual conduct and their right to be heard in matters concerning them.”

“Pursuant to their evolving capacities and progressive autonomy, persons under 18 years of age should participate in decisions affecting them, with due regard to their age, maturity and best interests, and with specific attention to non-discrimination guarantees.”

The report took over five years to develop and based its findings on feedback and reviews from jurists, academics, legal practitioners, human rights defenders, and various civil society organizations. Such results primarily focused on the impact of criminal laws proscribing sexual and reproductive health and rights, consensual sexual activity, gender identity, gender expression, HIV non-disclosure, exposure and transmission, drug use, and the possession of drugs for personal use, according to the report.

According to the UNAIDS, 20 countries criminalize or otherwise prosecute transgender people, 67 countries still criminalize same-sex sexual activity (with 10 imposing the death penalty for it), 115 countries criminalize drug use, more than 130 criminalize HIV exposure, non-disclosure, and transmission, and over 150 countries criminalize some aspects of prostitution.

“Criminal law is among the harshest of tools at the disposal of the State to exert control over individuals … as such, it ought to be a measure of last resort however, globally, there has been a growing trend towards overcriminalization,” Ian Seiderman, Law and Policy Director at ICJ, said in a news release. “We must acknowledge that these laws not only violate human rights, but the fundamental principles of criminal law themselves.”

Retired Judge Edwin Cameron of the Constitutional Court of South Africa and self-proclaimed homosexual argues criminal law deems some groups protected and others condemned and ostracized.

“In this way, the criminal law performs an expressive function — and it has dramatic consequences on people’s lives,” Edwin wrote. “It sometimes entails a harshly discriminatory impact on groups identified with the disapproved or stigmatized conduct.”

The report also argues killing unborn children in elective abortions is a human right, calling for decriminalizing the procedure and removing punishment for pregnant mothers who consume drugs or alcohol during pregnancy.

“Abortion must be taken entirely out of the purview of the criminal law, including for having, aiding, assisting with or providing an abortion …” the report states.

Officials published the report on March 8 in recognition of International Women’s Day, alleging a connection between women’s rights and the age of sexual consent.

Women’s rights activist Michelle Uriarau of Melbourne, Australia, tweeted that publishing the report on International Women’s Day succeeded in “gaslighting women everywhere.”

“This hideous UN report … seeks to decriminalize sex — even between children and minors. Evil,” Uriarau said.

‘Step Aside’: Matt Walsh Tells GOP Establishment You’re Wrong, Bud Light Boycott Matters

Daily Wire podcast host Matt Walsh said GOP establishment needs to “step aside” and explained why calls to end the boycott against Anheuser-Busch after Bud Light’s partnership with biological male trans activist Dylan Mulvaney were wrong.

The Matt Walsh Show” host on Monday provided a brutal assessment of the Republican establishment, who he said was giving an assist to the beer company by telling conservatives to back down from the boycott over fears that it could stop the flow of donor cash to the GOP.

Walsh said boycotting leftwing fashion companies, cosmetics brands, and Nike — which have gone woke — wouldn’t have an effect. But when conservatives decided partnering with Mulvaney was a bridge too far, they were dealing with a company that could be affected by the decision to stop buying their product.

“Bud Light on the other hand does need our business, so they do or should care what we think,” the host said. “This gives us power that we can choose to actually use for a change or we can sit back quietly and absorb the insult like we always do. And to that second option I say hell no.”

“This is what the GOP establishment and its donor class don’t understand,” he added. “We are sick and tired of this. We are sick and tired of watching as our culture is claimed piece by piece by madness and degeneracy.”

The GOP establishment wants us to abandon the Bud Light boycott. Hell no. This is exactly why the GOP establishment is useless. pic.twitter.com/AKd7aH2ion

— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) April 17, 2023

“We are not okay with it,” Walsh continued. “We are furious about it in fact. And we aren’t following your lead in the fight against it because you people aren’t interested in fighting against it. We are not going to sit around and wait for you to execute your masterplan to win back the culture. You have no such plan.”

The DW host then blasted the Republican establishment who he said was “satisfied” to let the culture “crumble and decay” as long as it had a hand in “ruling over the rubble.”

Walsh said this was how we got to “this point in the first place” and why things were as out of control in our culture as they were — with things like transgenderism, gender ideology and more.

“That’s how the total denial of biological reality became mainstream,” the podcast host said. “And seized hold of our society. It happened because the conservative ‘leadership’ task with defending our country against evils like gender ideology abdicated their responsibility.”

Walsh said they gave up without even “a semblance” of a struggle. “They left it to the rest of us to fight this battle.”

“And so we are,” he added. “You’re asleep, we’re taking the wheel. It’s that simple. And we don’t care about Republican donors. The Republican donors are as worthless as the Republicans they donate to. So, I don’t give a damn about them.”

“But this boycott matters, it does,” Walsh concluded. “It matters because it’s obviously not just about one beer company. It’s about making a statement. It’s about achieving a victory for truth and sanity … So, step aside and let us handle it.”

Related: Matt Walsh Talks To Megyn Kelly About ‘What Is A Woman’ Documentary, Dark Origins Of Gender Ideology