North Korea Claims To Have Tested New ICBM Designed To Hit U.S. Mainland: Report

North Korea claimed on Friday that it tested a new long-range intercontinental ballistic missile that is designed to reach the U.S. mainland.

The announcement from the reclusive nation came a day after it tested the weapon, which sent Japanese citizens living in the northern part of Japan running for shelter after the country warned of a potential incoming missile.

The Associated Press spoke with experts who said that while the missile’s full capabilities were not on display, it was likely a significant advance in the country’s attempts to develop a nuclear arsenal that could strike the U.S.

The new missile, the Hwasong-18, is solid-fuel missile — a key development as the missile is more stable than liquid-fueled missiles, according to CNN.

“At an earlier stage of North Korea’s missile program, liquid-fuel ICBMs represented the quickest and easiest path to achieving the country’s historic goal of being able to threaten the continental United States,” wrote Joseph Dempsey, a research associate at the International Institute for Strategic Studies. “The addition of solid-fuel ICBMs to the missile force would make it a more credible strategic deterrent by providing a more capable, less vulnerable pre-emptive and retaliatory capability.”


Ankit Panda, a nuclear policy expert at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, told the AP that he was not sure that the development rose to the level of being a “game changer,” even though it was significant.

“The primary significance of solid-fuel ICBMs is in terms of what they’ll do for the survivability of North Korea’s overall ICBM force,” Panda said. “Because these missiles are fueled at the time of manufacture and are thus ready to use as needed, they will be much more rapidly useable in a crisis or conflict, depriving South Korea and the United States of valuable time that could be useful to preemptively hunt and destroy such missiles.”

Ron DeSantis Signs Heartbeat Protection Act Into Law Cementing ‘Historic’ Pro-Family Agenda

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed the Heartbeat Protection Act into law late Thursday night, which prohibits abortions in the state once an unborn child has a detectable heartbeat.

“We are proud to support life and family in the state of Florida,” DeSantis said. “I applaud the Legislature for passing the Heartbeat Protection Act that expands pro-life protections and provides additional resources for young mothers and families.”

A statement from the governor’s office highlighted how Left-wing states like California and New York have worked to legalize “infanticide up until birth,” while DeSantis has “enacted historic measures to defend the dignity of human life and transform Florida into a pro-family state.”

Florida Lieutenant Governor Jeanette Nuñez wrote on Twitter: “@GovRonDeSantis and I are proud to stand for the unborn.”

“By signing this legislation, our administration reaffirms its commitment to protecting innocent life and standing by strong families in Florida,” she added.

Signed the Heartbeat Protection Act, which expands pro-life protections and devotes resources to help young mothers and families.

— Ron DeSantis (@GovRonDeSantis) April 14, 2023


The governor’s office highlighted aspects of the pro-family agenda that DeSantis has helped to implement in the state, including:

In 2022, Governor DeSantis signed groundbreaking legislation to encourage responsible and involved fatherhood in Florida through educational programs, mentorship programs, and one-on-one support. In 2022, Governor DeSantis signed SB 7034, which expands support for foster parents and opportunities for foster children. In 2021, Governor DeSantis signed SB 2518, which helps reduce maternal mortality rates by extending postpartum eligibility for Medicaid from 60 days to 12 months post-delivery. In addition to legislating pro-family policies, this year’s Framework for Freedom Budget includes permanent sales tax exemptions for baby and toddler necessities, including cribs and strollers, as well as tax holidays on children’s books, toys, athletic equipment, and pet food.

Some conservatives have expressed hesitation about DeSantis signing such an aggressive piece of pro-life legislation into law, wondering whether it could hurt his future political aspirations.

However, some notable conservative pundits online were quick to point out that other Republican governors who have signed similar pieces of legislation into law were not harmed politically afterward.

“Kemp signed a heartbeat bill in May, 6 months before defeating Stacey Abrams, who made abortion center to her campaign post Dobbs,” former CNN reporter Gabby Orr tweeted. “Similar case made here that a heartbeat bill might not actually harm DeSantis in 2024 to the extent critics believe it will.”

AG Conservative, a popular Twitter account, responded to Orr’s tweet: “Same was true of DeWine in Ohio, who won by 25.”

“Abortion politics are complicated and often vary by area, but the places where the GOP really got punished on this issue are where candidates opposed exceptions or supported outright bans, not 1st trimester lines w exceptions,” he added.

Same was true of DeWine in Ohio, who won by 25.

Abortion politics are complicated and often vary by area, but the places where the GOP really got punished on this issue are where candidates opposed exceptions or supported outright bans, not 1st trimester lines w exceptions.

— AG (@AGHamilton29) April 13, 2023

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