Disney+ Actress Says It’s Time For A Trans Disney Prince, Princess

Disney+ actress comedian Margaret Cho said it’s time for a transgender Disney Prince and Disney Princess as she promoted her latest role as an LGBTQ guidance counselor in the network’s latest movie, “Prom Pact.”

During the 54-year-old actress’ interview with Times of India, the LGBTQ activist described her role in the movie as “a Queer character in the film who’s somebody that the kids look up to, which I think is really amazing,” and said it’s “absolutely” time for a lead LGBTQ character in a Disney movie.

“I would love to see them everywhere,” Cho said. “I would love to see trans characters and different types of people in roles of like Disney Princess, Disney Prince and Disney everything.”

“I think this would be really important and it’s a move towards the future,” she added. “It’s a move towards who we are. I think it’s really admirable and really exciting.”

Comedian Margaret Cho is calling on Disney to introduce Transgender Princes and Princess in children’s movies.

“I would love to see trans characters. I would love to see different types of people in the roles of like Disney Princess, Disney Prince.”

Source: Times of India pic.twitter.com/IKWVymIgZH

— Oli London (@OliLondonTV) April 13, 2023

The TV-14 movie first aired on Disney Channel on March 30 and was somewhat edited for broadcast, the outlet noted. A “slightly longer” version of the film then streamed on Disney+ “with some more explicit dialogue,” according to IMDb.

Reading through parental reviews on Common Sense Media, the majority of parents found there was nothing safe in the show for children to watch with all the sexual references.

“Lots of virtue signaling. Pushes a lot of left political views onto children in an inorganic, forceful way,” one parent wrote. “The main character feels the need to mention sexism in almost every single line and can’t even get behind the basic principles of prom at first like dancing or dressing up. Protagonist is unlikable and is giving ‘I’m not like other girls.’ There is a mention of sex at one stage in a supposed children’s movie. Stripping away the incessant need to push a political agenda, this movie is a generic high school film with several cliches. I would not recommend.”


Another wrote, “Don’t Bother, Sex, political correctness, & cussing. Thought about watching this with my 12 year old but had to turn it off within the first 10 minutes due to sexual references and political correctness. Can’t they let kids be kids? I mean this is Disney.”

Yet another commenter noted that in just the first few minutes of the movie, “high school boys are in a grocery store talking about sex. They actually reference putting a ‘P in a V’ (more than once!) I was shocked that this is Disney.”

“The main character is pretty annoying, every scene she has something to say about sexism, feminism, etc […] it’s too much,” the person added. “Was hoping for something lighthearted to watch with my kids since we love Zombies, Descendents, and the other Disney originals. I am pretty lenient with what I let my kids watch and find myself on the more liberal side of things, but this was a lot…”

Disclosure: The Daily Wire has announced plans for kids’ entertainment content.

James O’Keefe Releases Video Of Female Inmates Revealing What Transgender Inmates Do

James O’Keefe released a video Thursday evening in which two female inmates at the Washington State Correctional Center for Women (WCCW) discuss male inmates allegedly abusing the system by claiming to be transgender.

O’Keefe said that WCCW has been “the tip of the spear with inclusivity in the prison system” as he went on to explain that OMG News went to great lengths to protect the identities of the two women by significantly altering their voices and blurring out their faces.

The video identified the inmates as “Inmate #1” and “Inmate #2,” and it was not clear how or when the interview was conducted.

“So, we have men rapists, men murderers, child rapists, men who have killed women and are in prison for raping and killing women who get put in our rooms,” Inmate #1 claimed. “Imagine coming into your room one day and you’re in closed custody and you turn around and there is a man standing there peeing in the toilet because you have the bathroom in your room in CCU. There is nothing you can do!”

“I know there’s some having sex with women — there was some, like, assaulting, but no one reported it,” Inmate #1 said.

“Some of these men are not confused, they’re just manipulating the system. It’s not equal, because we don’t get the same care and treatment that the trans get in here,” Inmate #1 continued. “They cater to the trans community. All you have to do is say that you are a woman, that you now, when you’re in county, say that you identify as a woman, and you can come straight to here from county. The guys don’t even have to go to the men’s prison first.”

Inmate #1 said that some of the men who were getting put in the prison by claiming that they were transgender were doing so just so they could have sex with female inmates. “There’s nothing you can do but say you’re going to kill yourself and then go down to the crazy unit to get out of that room,” Inmate #1 said. “And if you refuse to go back in there, you get a major, you get in trouble. I told all this to the assistant secretary.”

Inmate #2 said that normally, in correctional institutions, people are segregated, like “sex offenders, usually sex offenders are not in general population, they’re always in the population of their own.”

“My safety is now in jeopardy because I cannot voice my freedom of speech, but that doesn’t apply anymore because now they’re implementing this new gender equality role that forces us to conform to what they want us to believe in about the transgenders,” Inmate #2 said. “I’ve heard some of these men talk about how they would want to get a girl pregnant so that the girl could form a lawsuit against WCCW and say that he raped her and he’s willing to go along with it. He’s pretty much the mastermind behind his own scandal.”

“And it’s been a few of them who’ve sat and talked about these certain types of things to do in order to get a — so, the slang word that they’re calling it is ‘million dollar baby.’ A ‘million dollar baby’ play,” Inmate #2 said. “That’s the, that’s the slang term that they’re using.”


“A lot of the men in the men’s institution are literally coming up with strategies in order to conform to the transgender thing,” Inmate #2 said. “They’re taking all the necessary steps that they have to in order to get on the applications and the lists and things like that to go through the whole process just to get here, just to do that. We don’t have a voice, we don’t have a leg to stand on. Any time we voice these types of things, we are met with ridicule, targeting, bias, punishments, solitary confinement.”

Inmate #2 concluded by saying that WCCW has poor medical services and that the women have a much harder time getting their medical needs met than transgender people do.