2028 L.A. Olympics Chair, A Democrat Megadonor Linked to Epstein, Accused Of Affairs With Staff While Married

A powerful media executive who is the chairman of the 2028 Olympic Games in Los Angeles has been accused of having multiple affairs with women who worked for him while he was married.

The Daily Mail reported that 50-year-old Casey Wasserman, CEO of Wasserman, a leading sports and entertainment agency, allegedly had “a chronic condition of sleeping with people who work for him.”

Wasserman, who has given millions of dollars to the Democrat Party and had ties to notorious child sex predator Jeffrey Epstein, allegedly “love bombed” the women whom he had romantic interest in, showering them with lavish gifts that included designer items and Range Rovers.

“When he dumped me I was in shock and disbelief that he could go from 100 to zero in just hours,” one alleged former mistress of his told the British tabloid. “I truly think he underestimates the pain and long-term damage he causes women like me who believed him.”

Guests who attended his birthday party earlier this summer included former president Bill Clinton, ex-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), California Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom, and Vice President Kamala Harris’ husband Doug Emhoff.

His alleged affairs started approximately five years into his marriage with his wife Laura Ziffren, according to some of the nearly dozen sources who spoke to the publication. Ziffren filed for divorce in 2021.


The women with whom he is accused of having affairs include various assistants ranging from secretaries to his former private jet flight attendants.

The Daily Mail obtained an email that one of his mistresses allegedly sent to his wife, which was “widely shared” among his friends, that said: “Him and I have been together for 7 years which he’s lied to you about. He f***ed me in your bed at Redford. And also robin. And also Cancun in the house. You should know all he’s done to you. Multiple ti[m]es on the plane with you in the back.”

“He f***ed Christine multiple times. And have relationship w[i]th Patricia who still works for multiple times for years,” the email added.

One of the women who was accused of sleeping with him said that the allegation was false.

A friend of his told the publication that he was a “s*** husband,” but that he was a “completely devoted dad” who “loves his kids deeply and profoundly.”

Wasserman’s team did not provide comment for the story, the report said.

The Media Are Trash

The media are such trash.

After Donald Trump appeared at the National Association of Black Journalists, walking into the fire and confronting hostile questions, CNN’s Abby Phillip put out a tweet saying, “Folks, this is why you let JOURNALISTS ask questions. The country deserves answers.

Here’s a question for the media: Why don’t you ask Kamala Harris a question? One question.

For the last three and a half years, she has covered up her boss’s senility and continues to do so today. She is complicit in every policy of the Biden administration. Every failure is on her. She’s the vice president. She’s shifting all of her positions in real time.

Meanwhile, the media are asking Trump about the time he said something about the Central Park Five back in 1998.

You have got to be kidding me.

“Somebody must ask Trump tough questions.”

Right. No one has asked Trump anything for the past 10 years. We don’t know anything about him. He’s a mystery wrapped in enigma.

Or alternatively, you are all abdicating your job because you’re all campaign apparatchiks for Kamala Harris. You go shopping with her.

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Do you remember the story from a few years back when Harris went shopping with a journalist? It’s amazing. Go back a few years, and she actually went shopping with a journalist during the 2019 campaign. And the journalist recommended what she should buy. “You should buy this amazing sequined jacket.” February 22, 2019.

It’s pathetic.

“On the campaign trail, Kamala Harris tries on a sequined jacket, and men go nuts,” the Los Angeles Times gushed. “The political reporters covering Harris’ South Carolina visit tweeted videos and photos of her as she preened in front of a mirror wearing the coat. It was a spontaneous campaign-trail moment, unexpected and a little bit playful.”

Fox News anchor Brit Hume tweeted, “This is just embarrassing. So now journalists are going shopping with Harris, helping pick out clothes and then putting out glowing tweets about it.”

James Taranto of the Wall Street Journal echoed, “This is a CBS reporter noting, without evident disapproval, that a CNN colleague is helping dress a Democratic candidate she’s supposed to be covering.”

Now Harris is getting the kind of coverage she received early in the 2019 campaign.

The media are deliberately not going to do their job. They’re going to lie; they’re going to cheat. They’re going to hide. This is what they’re going to do. They’re going to let Kamala Harris go 12 full days without answering a question, without being asked any questions at all.

None. Zero. 

She’s going to get all the way through the end of next week before anyone even thinks about asking her a question.

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