Matt Walsh’s ‘Am I Racist?’ Expands To 1,500 Screens Nationwide As Ticket Sales Soar

Matt Walsh’s documentary “Am I Racist?,” The Daily Wire’s first ever theatrical film, will be released on an expanded 1,500 screens beginning today, Friday, September 13.

This is a massive accomplishment for any film that’s not being released by a major studio. While originally it was only coming to 200 screens, fans rallied and purchased their tickets in advance, leading to the comedy being released at a larger number of venues from coast to coast.

Our new film “Am I Racist?” has now been expanded to over 1,500 theaters nationwide. We started with about 200 when the movie was announced just a few weeks ago. The response has been tremendous so far.

— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) September 10, 2024

Walsh previously discussed how theaters didn’t necessarily object to the content of the film, but instead cautioned that documentaries are the hardest movie genre to sell tickets for. Other documentaries released on more than 1,500 screens include Disney’s “Monkey Kingdom,” “Born in China,” and “Penguins,” along with Angel Studios’ “After Death” and Michael Moore’s “Fahrenheit 11/9.”

This achievement was celebrated by Bryce Kesler, Head of Theatrical Distribution for SDG Releasing.

“‘Am I Racist?’ has earned elite status as one of only 6 documentary films in the past decade to reach 1,500 locations in its first week in theaters. It’s a landmark achievement made possible by the support of dedicated fans purchasing tickets early, and by our partners in exhibition giving the film an opportunity on big screens nationwide,” he said.

“We’re elated that Matt Walsh and The Daily Wire’s creation will be enjoyed in the large format it deserves. … The future, and maybe the fate of the country, will be decided in less than 2 months. Take a much-needed break from the seriousness (while helping put the final nail in the coffin of DEI). Let’s Make-America-Laugh-Again this weekend.”

“As a theatrical film distributor, we can guarantee you two things: First, that studios are notoriously agenda-driven. Conservative content need not apply. Second, that audiences — and the exhibitors (meaning the owners of your local theater, whether it’s a big chain or a mom-and-pop operation) don’t share that agenda,” Kesler and Cary Solomon added. “Daily Wire understands that. And so they’re bringing forward entertainment designed to appeal to real people, not studio executives. And the audience will be the winner.”

Am I Racist? Is In Theaters NOW — Get Your Tickets Here!

Walsh also talked about how Hollywood is making a big mistake by ignoring half the country with their increasingly progressive and preachy films. “They’re leaving plenty of money on the table, and we’re happy to come in and take some of it. Because, at a minimum, you are explicitly refusing to serve 50% of the audience,” the Daily Wire podcaster said, per Variety.

Filmmaker and “Am I Racist?” producer Dallas Sonnier agreed. “Hollywood is focused on its own problems internally and can’t even contemplate what would resonate with an audience in the South or the Midwest today,” he said, per the outlet. “Conservative audiences have simply checked out of what Hollywood is making outside of the tentpoles.”

“Am I Racist?” seeks to expose the grift of the DEI industry. It features Walsh going deep undercover, attending seminars and interviews with some of the biggest names in the industry, including “White Fragility” author Robin DiAngelo.

The film is hilarious, but it’s also meant to shed light on an important topic. Walsh said some of his goals for the film are to inspire real change similar to what happened after the release of his 2022 documentary “What Is a Woman?,” which explored the topic of transgenderism.

“Well, there are political solutions, some of which, you know, Donald Trump has talked about. Outlawing programs that exclude people on the basis of race, which are already supposed to be outlawed,” Walsh told Ben Shapiro during an interview for his “Sunday Special.”

“Most of that stuff is flagrantly illegal already. So shutting that down, which a lot of that could be done on a policy level,” he continued. “A lot of the other changes I think could be made relatively easily with just lawsuits. But people that are affected by this stuff need to file lawsuits. And we’ve seen a little of that happening already.”

“Let’s have a culture that is totally intolerant to that kind of madness,” he said later.

This achievement of expanding to 1,500 screens is historic — but the fight’s not over yet. The way the industry works, if a film doesn’t perform opening weekend, it will be gone. Do not assume you can see it next week. If you plan to see “Am I Racist?,” it’s vital to go now, bring everyone you can, and laugh together with a crowd.

This weekend offers a unique opportunity to show that conservative films deserve a voice in theaters. The more support “Am I Racist?” receives, the easier it will make the path for all future conservative content.

Pre-sales are the lifeblood of successful theatrical releases — especially for independent films. Daily Wire’s faithful showed up in large numbers, buying tickets and selling out auditoriums weeks ahead of time. This meant theater owners upgraded the film to larger auditoriums and additional screens. Comedy never plays better than with a packed house, on opening weekend, and this weekend, The Daily Wire faithful have a chance to enjoy the best night out they’ve had in a long time as they explore the question: “Am I Racist?”

“Am I Racist?” is showing in theaters nationwide beginning today. Fans can purchase tickets at

Busted: Community Note Shreds New Yorker’s Trump Attack

The New Yorker’s Susan Glasser got walloped by Community Notes on Wednesday — and despite a direct challenge from the Trump campaign, has thus far declined to make any corrections.

Glasser wrote a response piece for The New Yorker after Tuesday’s ABC debate between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris — the latter of whom got a series of fact-checking assists from moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis — and among other things, she suggested that Trump had gone off the rails when he claimed Harris was in favor of tax-payer-funded transgender surgeries for illegal immigrants in detention.

Harris’s bet was that Trump would say a lot of crazy and unhinged stuff if she got him going. It was a safe bet. I’ve watched every Presidential debate for the past two decades, and I can’t think of anything that ranks higher in pure stupidity than Trump ranting and raving to a national audience about immigrants supposedly eating people’s cats and dogs. His line about how the Vice-President “wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens that are in prison” was pretty memorable, too. What the hell was he talking about? No one knows, which was, of course, exactly Harris’s point.

Glasser even highlighted the sentiment of that particular passage in her X post promoting the article: “Trump made history last night for sure. Who will ever forget him ranting on stage about immigrants eating people’s dogs? Or insisting that the Vice President ‘wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens that are in jail’?”

Trump made history last night for sure. Who will ever forget him ranting on stage about immigrants eating people’s dogs? Or insisting that the Vice President ‘wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens that are in jail’?

My piece on Trump’s too-crazy moment:…

— Susan Glasser (@sbg1) September 11, 2024

But other X users quickly slapped Glasser with a Community Note, saying that according to an ACLU questionnaire — which Harris filled out in 2019 during her first failed bid for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination — she did, in fact, support exactly that.

Am I Racist? Is In Theaters NOW — Get Your Tickets Here!

“I support policies ensuring that federal prisoners and detainees are able to obtain medically necessary care for gender transition, including surgical care, while incarcerated or detained,” the questionnaire read, and Harris marked “yes.”

Harris is also on video claiming that she herself was instrumental in changing the policy in California to ensure that trans-identifying inmates within the prison system “would have access to the medical care that they desired and need.”

Tax-funded gender surgeries in prisons is so crazy that they think WE made it up

Roll the tape…

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) September 12, 2024

Following the debate, after several pundits and media outlets suggested that Trump was crazy for suggesting Harris might support such a policy, that video and the 2019 ACLU questionnaire began to resurface on X — prompting at least TIME Magazine to issue a correction.

“The original version of this story mischaracterized as false Donald Trump’s statement accusing Kamala Harris of supporting ‘transgender operations on illegal aliens in prison.’ As a presidential candidate in 2019, Harris filled out a questionnaire saying she supported taxpayer-funded gender transition treatments for detained immigrants,” the correction read.

A tale of two publications.@TIME embarrassingly had to issue a correction on its bogus fact check that claimed it was false that Harris supports taxpayer funded sex changes for detained illegal aliens (she told the ACLU she does).

But they did it.@NewYorker refuses to do so.

— Tim Murtaugh (@TimMurtaugh) September 12, 2024

Still, even when pressed to do so by a Trump campaign official, The New Yorker opted to let Glasser’s piece ride.

Glasser, according to The Washington Free Beacon, informed the official that she was standing by the “view expressed in the column that this was a memorable line and also one that would be hard as heck for someone in the audience to understand what the former president meant by it.” Her goal, she explained further, was simply to ask about “the political advisability of bringing up these things in a national debate.”

“Despite this back and forth I still have no idea what the heck the former president was talking about. Kind of like claiming she is a Marxist. Or saying she supports abortions of babies—after they are born,” Glasser continued. “Are you retracting those claims and correcting the record on them? Thanks.”

But Glasser was wrong on those claims as well: During the debate, Harris refused to answer whether she would ever support any restrictions on abortion. Her running mate, Governor Tim Walz (D-MN), recently signed legislation granting broader access to abortion, and stripped away language that required doctors to take lifesaving action in the event that a baby survived an attempted abortion.