Matt Walsh Destroys The DEI Industry

Matt Walsh’s new movie, “Am I Racist?” is out and causing seismic waves throughout the DEI community.

Apparently, there are members of the movie theater employee community who are attempting to stop people from actually seeing the film. One movie theater employee reportedly put out a post saying, “I will be making the transaction as difficult as possible for anyone seeing the Matt Walsh movie.” Another person said, “Can you take the good seats out of service without anyone noticing? Only sell the creatures that crawl out of the mud to see this thing the crap seats.”

The Left is doing its best to prevent people from seeing the film, even at the lowest levels. But it is not stopping the fallout.

One of the funniest scenes in the film is the scene in which Matt sits down with Robin DiAngelo. It is hysterical.

Robin DiAngelo is the author of an incredibly best-selling book titled “White Fragility.” In 2020, during the Black Lives Matter summer, Robin DiAngelo became a big item. Her book sold like hotcakes; it was at the top of the New York Times bestseller list for weeks and sold hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of copies.

And it is complete and utter tripe. It is an awful piece of trash.

I did a 30-minute takedown of it on YouTube, point by point, through her entire trash book. The book makes no sense. It is selfish. It is self-defeating. The entire book contradicts itself. It is logically incoherent.

It happens to be also particularly ugly because the basic idea is that if you are white, then you are inherently sinful and there is no way to escape that sin except for doing what DiAngelo wants you to do, politically speaking.

Am I Racist? Is In Theaters NOW — Get Your Tickets Here!

So there’s a scene in the film where Matt and his producers somehow got DiAngelo to sit down with Matt. The premise of “Am I Racist?”is that Matt is a very woke guy who falls into the philosophy of DEI and chases it all the way down the rabbit hole. It’s kind of like a Nathan Fielder movie.

In this particular scene with DiAngelo, he’s sitting with her and let’s just say that he manipulates her into doing something so insane on camera that it should be career-ending — and she knows it, which is presumably why she has now basically deactivated her Twitter account.

DiAngelo has released a statement slamming Matt Walsh. She vowed in a statement not to watch the film. Here’s what she said:

Back in 2023, I was contacted by a group who claimed to be making a documentary film called Shades of Justice, about efforts to address racism in the United States. They planned to interview anti-racist activists, authors and thought leaders in service of supporting the cause of racial equity. They offered me between $10-20,000 for an interview. I said let’s meet in the middle with $15,000 and agreed to participate (I have since donated that sum to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund).

I’m sure that she donated that sum after she found out she was in the film and realized, oh, boy, this is going to be bad.

And it’s weird that she only agreed to be in the film for $15,000, except for the fact that, as Matt’s movie exposes, this whole thing is a giant grift. DiAngelo has been picking up checks from some of the biggest corporations in America for years to teach absolute horse crap to people. In exchange, she receives the money and the credibility, and then she takes those credentials, “Hey, I taught at Google,” moves on to Apple, and picks up a big stack of cash from them.

WATCH: The Ben Shapiro Show

So she took $15,000 to sit down for the documentary “Shades of Justice,” an anti-racist documentary. 

When I arrived for the interview, a few things felt off. The grips would not make eye contact with me and the interviewer, who was introduced as “Matt,” appeared to be wearing an ill-fitting wig. Matt presented himself as someone new to antiracist work and seemed earnest, and his questions did not come across as adversarial. By the end, however, things got weird.

That’s the whole point: When doing something like what Matt did, the whole point of it is, what do these people say to each other behind closed doors? You can’t do that if you enter in an adversarial way. So he asked her questions, and she couldn’t tell what was going on.

Matt asked what I thought about reparations for Black Americans. I said that I agreed with reparations but that it was not my area of expertise. He then pulled up a chair and invited a Black crew-member who went by “Ben” to sit with us, took out his wallet and handed Ben some cash. He said that if I believed in reparations, I should also give Ben cash. While some Black people have asked white people to engage in reparations by giving directly to individuals, reparations are generally understood as a systemic approach to past and current injustice. The way Matt set this up felt intended to put Ben and I on the spot.

There’s a problem with this particular statement. Ben happens to be a producer on the film. So it didn’t put Ben and you on the spot; it put you on the spot because you’re a hypocrite.

Because Matt was pushing this on us, I expressed my discomfort and checked in with Ben, to be sure he was okay with receiving cash in this way. Ben reassured me that he was, so I went to my wallet and handed him my cash and the interview ended. I was so unsettled by the way Matt manipulated this last scene that I emailed the contact person – who went by the name of “Lee Hampton” – to explain that this scene was not an example of reparations and could mislead viewers. I asked that they not use it in the film and shared several resources overviewing legitimate systemic efforts for reparations. He assured me that he understood and that they had not yet decided whether to address reparations. He never again contacted me or answered an email.

After reviewing the sequence of events and discussing it with colleagues, I realized that they had lied about their agenda and I had been played. I spread the word on my networks. Unfortunately, last month I started receiving hateful and misogynistic emails. Some referenced the Daily Wire (Ben Shapiro’s website), which announced that the film is indeed being released. It is not titled Shades of Justice nor is it meant to support the anti-racist cause.

Yes, because you won’t speak to anybody who doesn’t support the anti-racist cause.

It is a Borat-style mockumentary titled Am I Racist? and designed to humiliate and discredit anti-racist educators and activists.

Yes, that’s accurate. That’s true.

Their deception was carefully planned and well-funded. The website they had sent me was fake, as were their identities, the project title used in the legal waiver, their description of the project, and the last name they gave for Matt. The interviewer was in fact, Matt Walsh, a far-right provocateur backed by Shapiro and Daily Wire+ (and yes, wearing a wig).

The co-CEO of the Daily Wire has stated: “I can’t think of a more appropriate film for the Daily Wire’s first original theatrical release than Am I Racist? What Is a Woman? changed the national conversation on radical gender theory, effectively killing the issue and DEI is the next pillar of the woke mind virus that’s about to topple. DEI culture is one of the most toxic plagues in American life.”

Am I A Racist? is not only about me and I was not the only one who fell for their deception. Sadly, many of those being mocked are women of Color.

I have not seen the film nor do I plan to watch it, so I don’t know what they have used of my interview or how they have edited it, but if you see clips or the full film, consider the source: Matt Walsh. So, who is Matt Walsh and what is his – and his backers’ – agenda? Luckily for us, he has clearly answered that question, without shame, time and time again. …

Shapiro and Walsh’s previous film Lady Ballers, is filled with misogyny, racism and transphobia. Shapiro also sponsored a film denigrating George Floyd. 

Oh, wait, you mean that we said that maybe George Floyd wasn’t killed by Derek Chauvin, that maybe he died of a drug overdose that was induced by high stress? Wait, you mean like checking the medical evidence? Or maybe we pointed out that George Floyd, in fact, led a pretty checkered criminal life?

This experience has reinforced for me how critically important it is to do in-depth background research before making yourself vulnerable to people you don’t know, or believing and sharing what you see online. They will not prevail in their efforts to stop the work for racial justice.

Well, it seems like we prevailed just a little, since you deactivated your Twitter account. So that’s a little awkward for you.

Matt tweeted, “Robin DiAngelo has issued a statement denouncing our film. She claims the movie is ‘designed to humiliate and discredit anti-racist educators and activists.’ She couldn’t be more correct in that assessment. Thank you, Robin!” Then, “My favorite part of this wonderful statement is that she says she noticed my ‘ill fitting wig’ when she first sat down with me. And yet for some reason, she still did the interview.”

Maybe it was the $15,000. Matt also noted that people are very angry at him: “He used methods of deception.”

You mean in a mockumentary in which you expose people? So Matt tweeted, “Many on the Left are criticizing the tactics we use to make our film. Notice how they make no such criticisms about Borat. The difference is that Borat was meant to embarrass normal working class Americans. Our film embarrasses DEI, grifters, academics and upper class liberals. Even Nathan Fielder, who I think is hilarious and brilliant, usually uses these kinds of methods to humiliate average people who haven’t done anything to deserve the humiliation. The Left is fine with that, too. With our new film, and our last film, we’re actually punching up. But somehow we’re the ‘unethical’ ones. Interesting.”

That is exactly right.

The film is already in roughly 1,500 theaters across the country. It has not been reviewed a single time at Rotten Tomatoes. Zero reviews. None. In fact, if you go to the Rotten Tomatoes page, brought to you by Fandango, they have a sort of scrolling wheel here saying, “New & now in theaters,” and it lists every movie except for Matt’s movie. It’s not there. 

They’re going to try to ignore this the same way they tried to ignore “What Is A  Woman?”

Don’t let them ignore it.

Go out and see it.

PHOTOS: Matt Walsh’s ‘Am I Racist?’ Had A Big Nashville Premiere

The Matt Walsh documentary “Am I Racist?” marks the first theatrical release for The Daily Wire, and for such an occasion, it was only right to roll out the black carpet. The film’s team, Daily Wire talent, and multiple VIP guests were all in attendance on Monday, September 9, for the film’s big premiere event at Regal Green Hills in Nashville.

Several premiere attendees took time to speak with the camera crew and express their excitement for the release, including what it means for the future of conservative entertainment.

Matt Walsh

Matt Walsh arrives at Am I Racist? premiere | Jason Davis/Getty Images for DailyWire+

Walsh said of the film, “If something is funny, [people are] more receptive to your message, I think. And look, the Left is also incredibly ridiculous — among other words we could use to describe them. And if we’re not having success making fun of that in a funny way, then what the hell are we doing?”

Daily Wire talent

NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE – SEPTEMBER 09: (L-R) Jon Lewis, Dallas Sonnier, Justin Folk, Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, Jeremy Boreing, Caleb Robinson, Benyam Capel, and Brian Hoffman arrive at Am I Racist? Movie Premiere at Regal Green Hills on September 09, 2024 in Nashville, Tennessee. (Photo by Jason Davis/Getty Images for DailyWire+)

Ben Shapiro

Ben Shapiro arrives at Am I Racist? premiere | Jason Davis/Getty Images for DailyWire+

Ben Shapiro said during a red carpet interview, “Well, obviously, DEI is at the center of everything. It’s the heart of the Biden-Harris administration. They’ve said so.”

He continued, “And they’ve said that equity infuses all of their policy. And what this movie does, it takes that concept, and not only does it break down the cons, it breaks out what it really is, which is a complete grift.” Shapiro went on to describe how Walsh does “something no one else in America is capable of doing, which is keep a straight face in front of people while they discuss this stuff and they think they’re talking to a friend.”

“And so they really show you what they think,” Shapiro said. “And what becomes absolutely clear is what a con this is. This is just a con, beginning to end. So it’s not just a matter of it being morally bad. It also is a ripoff. It’s a ripoff of corporations, of consumers, of taxpayers, and it needs to stop.”

John Bickley

John Bickley arrives at Am I Racist? premiere | Jason Davis/Getty Images for DailyWire+

Sean Spicer

Sean Spicer arrives at Am I Racist? premiere | Jason Davis/Getty Images for DailyWire+

Jeremy Boreing and Matt Walsh

Jeremy Boreing and Matt Walsh arrive at Am I Racist? premiere | Jason Davis/Getty Images for DailyWire+

Daily Wire co-CEO Jeremy Boreing noted that “in many ways,” Walsh’s film is “a fulfillment of the dream of The Daily Wire to be creating culture, not just critiquing culture.”

Boreing also praised Walsh: “The fact that this film is coming out nationwide in wide theatrical release, I think is a testament to Matt Walsh’s unique talent. He’s one-of-one, the only person in the conservative movement who could have made this film.”

The Daily Wire co-founder also spoke to how culture changes people’s minds.

“And so that’s why culture is so important, because it’s really the ground in which people’s worldview grows, and now we’re planting seeds into that soil. So I think that absolutely people’s minds will change because of this film…”

Am I Racist? Is In Theaters NOW — Get Your Tickets Here!

Dr. Jordan B Peterson called the genre of film “a very new phenomenon – to have conservative satirists or even Christian conservative satirists, which is more absurd.”

He added, “I mean, it shows a kind of maturity and it’s a very good way of introducing people to ideas that they might not otherwise consider. It’s also a very effective way of critiquing ideas. I mean, satire and ridicule are appropriate responses to ideas that are very worthy of being satirized and ridiculed. And Matt handles that in a manner that I think everyone will find relatable.”

Peterson also said most average Americans don’t realize how pervasive the DEI con has become. “I mean, most people are tangled up enough in the details of their own lives, so they don’t attend much to politics or to philosophy. And so no, and I think people tend to take things at face value so that when they hear well-meaning, theoretically well-meaning people talk about equity, they think, well, of course things should be equitable.”

“They have no idea what it means,” he added. “They have no idea that it’s grounded in a kind of nihilistic Marxism. And so that’s another service that Matt and [the crew] are performing is to show the nature of the charlatans who are involved in this movement, which I think this movie does quite effectively, especially with regards to Saira Rao and and Robin DiAngelo, who get what they deserve, as far as I’m concerned.”


Caleb Robinson

Caleb Robinson arrives at Am I Racist? premiere | Jason Davis/Getty Images for DailyWire+

Cabot Phillips

Cabot Phillips arrives at Am I Racist? premiere | Jason Davis/Getty Images for DailyWire+

Bo Loudon

Bo Loudon arrives at Am I Racist? premiere | Jason Davis/Getty Images for DailyWire+)

Matt Fradd

Matt Fradd (L) arrives at Am I Racist? premiere | Jason Davis/Getty Images for DailyWire+

Kirk Cameron

Kirk Cameron arrives at Am I Racist? premiere | Jason Davis/Getty Images for DailyWire+

Siaka Massaquoi

Siaka Massaquoi arrives at Am I Racist? premiere | Jason Davis/Getty Images for DailyWire+

Blain Crain, Jake Crain, and David Cone

Blain Crain, Jake Crain, and David Cone of Crain & Company arrive at Am I Racist? Movie premiere | Jason Davis/Getty Images for DailyWire+

Andrew Klavan

Andrew Klavan arrives at Am I Racist? premiere | Jason Davis/Getty Images for DailyWire+)

Michael Knowles

Michael Knowles arrives at Am I Racist? premiere | Jason Davis/Getty Images for DailyWire+

Michael Knowles said from the red carpet, “What’s really amazing is Matt is performing a farcical and absurd character, and he’s going up against people who are raking in tens of thousands of dollars or more in speaking fees to give very serious presentations for the Left. And the two characters are indistinguishable. In fact, when the earnest people see the farcical version, they don’t even recognize it … that’s scary.”

Brett Cooper

Brett Cooper arrives at Am I Racist? premiere | Jason Davis/Getty Images for DailyWire+

“It’s important to have a movie like this because comedy teaches us things,” Brett Cooper said on the red carpet. “Comedy is one of the most important mediums for moving the needle and having people face uncomfortable conversations comfortably, kind of like dipping their toe in the water.”

She added, “This is a conversation that has been dominated by anger and vitriol and aggression and cancellations for so many years. And it feels like it’s exited for a little bit. And now it’s like anti-racism is back in vogue. Influencers getting canceled right and left. We’re back in, like, very touchy territory. And so to have something come out that is so comedically fueled, that has such a good heart, but is also going to teach a lesson … I think it’s so perfect for this time.”


Jon Lewis

Jon Lewis arrives at Am I Racist? premiere | Jason Davis/Getty Images for DailyWire+

Amber Coyle arrives at Am I Racist? premiere | Jason Davis/Getty Images for DailyWire+

Mary Morgan

Mary Morgan arrives at Am I Racist? premiere | Jason Davis/Getty Images for DailyWire+

Clay Travis

Clay Travis arrives at Am I Racist? premiere | Jason Davis/Getty Images for DailyWire+

Sebastian Gorka

Sebastian Gorka arrives at Am I Racist? premiere | Jason Davis/Getty Images for DailyWire+)

Sam Alvey

Sam Alvey arrives at Am I Racist? premiere | Jason Davis/Getty Images for DailyWire+

Tyler Fischer

Tyler Fischer arrives at Am I Racist? premiere | Jason Davis/Getty Images for DailyWire+


ZUBY arrives at Am I Racist? premiere | Jason Davis/Getty Images for DailyWire+

Benyam Capel

Benyam Capel arrives at Am I Racist? premiere | Jason Davis/Getty Images for DailyWire+

Jordan Peterson

Jordan Peterson arrives at Am I Racist? premiere | Jason Davis/Getty Images for DailyWire+

Bryson Gray

Bryson Gray arrives at Am I Racist? premiere | Jason Davis/Getty Images for DailyWire+

Jenna Ellis

Jenna Ellis arrives at Am I Racist? premiere | Jason Davis/Getty Images for DailyWire+

After impressive ticket pre-sales, the film was expanded to 1,500 screens nationwide. Get your tickets now at