Illegal Immigrant Charged With Voting In American Elections, Impersonating American Citizen

The Department of Justice (DOJ) charged an illegal immigrant from Guatemala for illegally voting in American elections and stealing the identity of an American citizen.

The Justice Department brought the charges against Angelica Maria Francisco, a 42-year old Guatemalan national illegally residing in Alabama, after it was found that she illegally voted in both the 2016 and 2020 primary and general elections despite not being an American citizen.

The DOJ stated in a press release that Francisco was charged with “false claims of citizenship in connection with voting, false statements in application for a United States passport, use of a United States passport obtained by false statements, and aggravated identity theft.” Francisco has agreed to plead guilty to all charges.

The plea agreement reveals that the Guatemalan national illegally assumed the identity of an American citizen in about 2011 before using that identity to illegally procure a passport and register to vote.

“She subsequently used the United States passport to travel to and from her native country of Guatemala in 2012, 2015, and 2018,” the DOJ explained. “Using the same false identity, Francisco also registered to vote in Alabama in 2016 and voted in the 2016 and 2020 primary and general elections.”

The charge from the DOJ comes as Republicans in the House and Senate are attempting to pass the SAVE Act, a piece of legislation that intends to further safeguard federal elections against illegal immigrant voting. Democrats like Sen. Mark Kelly of Arizona, however, have claimed that the problem of illegal immigrant voting “doesn’t exist” and that the act is unnecessary.


Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) recently warned that mass illegal immigration could mean that “Democrats win every election forever,” also accusing Vice President Kamala Harris and others in her party of leveraging illegal immigration “to fundamentally shift the policies of the United States of America and to move them dramatically to the left.”

Fraudulent voting by illegal immigrants, or a mass amnesty that allows those illegally in the country to become citizens and vote in our elections, could disproportionately affect some swing states. All 15 counties in Arizona, for example, were just named in a lawsuit from America First Legal, which claimed that they failed to remove illegal immigrants from the voter rolls. Arizona, which is worth 11 electoral college votes, is a crucial swing state that could determine the fate of the 2024 presidential election.

Elon Musk, meanwhile, has warned that even illegal immigrants who do not themselves vote could shift the balance of power in Congress in favor of the Democrats simply by being present in the country. The census does not account for citizenship status, meaning that the population figures that determine Congressional apportionment could result in the creation of additional Congressional districts in heavily Democratic areas.

The concerns that illegal immigration could influence our elections come as the Biden-Harris administration has presided over an unprecedented spike in illegal immigration. More than 10 million people have crossed the border under the Biden-Harris administration, with an estimated 1.7 million illegal immigrant gotaways recorded since Biden was inaugurated in 2021. There were 415,000 total reported gotaways for 2018, 2019, and 2020 during the Trump administration.

Biden Navy Secretary Warned Sailors Against Partisan Activity Before Being Cited For Endorsing Biden

Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro warned Navy personnel against engaging in political activity just a day before he was found to have violated federal law by voicing his support for President Joe Biden over other potential candidates, The Daily Wire has learned.

Del Toro’s support of Biden was found to have “crossed a legal line” in violation of the Hatch Act, a federal law that bars federal employees from engaging in political activities while participating in work duties, during a taxpayer-funded trip to the United Kingdom in January, the Office of the Special Counsel said this week.

Just one day before it was revealed that Del Toro violated the law, he sent out an unclassified document to Navy personnel, personally warning them against engaging in political activity. The guidance sent out to Navy sailors, obtained by The Daily Wire, is titled “Guidance on Political Activities of DON Personnel,” and includes a warning to personnel from Del Toro himself.

“Now that the 2024 election season is upon us, it is more important than ever for us to remember that the DON is an apolitical body and our members cannot participate in activities that could appear to imply sponsorship, approval, or endorsement of a political candidate, campaign, or cause,” a quote from Del Toro reads. “Public trust and confidence depend on this.”

When he sent the guidance, Del Toro was just one day away from being cited for engaging in partisan activity himself.

“When speaking in his official capacity on a taxpayer-funded trip, Secretary Del Toro encouraged electoral support for one candidate over another in the upcoming presidential election,” Special Counsel Hampton Dellinger noted this week. “By doing so, he crossed a legal line and violated the Hatch Act.”

“Rules for thee but not for me is the unofficial slogan of the woke Biden-Harris DOD. Secretary Del Toro is correct that ‘public trust and confidence’ depend on an apolitical military,” Rep. Jim Banks, Chairman of the Anti-Woke Caucus, told The Daily Wire. “That’s why trust in our military has dropped to an all-time low under Kamala Harris and Joe Biden.”

The Office of Special Counsel explained that Del Toro violated the Hatch Act while partaking in interviews while on the trip.

“I’m confident that the American people will step up to the plate come November and support President Biden for a second term as our Commander-in-Chief, so that we can continue to work together as free democratic countries respect each other around the globe,” Del Toro said in response to one interview question.

“Secretary Del Toro’s statements with overt reference to the election conveyed electoral support for one candidate and opposition to another candidate, and thus, constituted political activity,” the Office of Special Counsel report explains. 

The Biden-Harris administration has consistently worked to embed their ideology throughout the military and our national security institutions, namely through the implementation of leftwing diversity, equity, and inclusion policies, as a series of investigations from The Daily Wire has revealed.