Gabbard Wrecks CNN’s Bash For Pushing Democrat Attacks On Trump Visiting Fallen Soldiers

Former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) slammed left-wing CNN host Dana Bash during an interview on Sunday for promoting a political attack from Democrats against former President Donald Trump that centers around Trump visiting Arlington National Cemetery to commemorate the lives of the 13 U.S. service members who were killed during the Biden-Harris administration’s disastrous withdraw from Afghanistan.

Gabbard’s remarks come after Harris attacked Trump for visiting the fallen soldiers — something that she has never done, nor has she ever talked to their families — and later faced significant backlash from the Gold Star families for her politicization and false attacks.

Bash repeatedly harped on the issue of whether Trump was allowed to film at one of the locations inside the cemetery, even though the Trump campaign received authorization prior to attending, the families asked him to do it, and President Joe Biden previously did the same thing.

“I have seen a lot of the headlines and the stories and the concerns that people are raising about this,” Gabbard said. “But, to me, as a soldier and as someone who has been deployed to different war zones in the world — and I have friends who are buried there at Section 60 — what is more outrageous to me is that there wasn’t universal coverage of the momentous day of the third anniversary of the loss of these 13 Gold Star families and the outrage that they feel that they — that their loved ones are not getting the kind of coverage and memory that their great sacrifice deserves.”

“That is what everyone should be outraged about,” she added.

Gabbard attended the event and said that Trump and his team participated in a “very grave and somber remembrance and honoring of those lives that were lost.”


WATCH: CNN’s Dana Bash tries to revive the Arlington non-scandal with Tulsi Gabbard. Full Regime Media firefighting.

— Jorge Bonilla (@BonillaJL) September 1, 2024

Gabbard: Harris-Biden Admin Put Me On Terror Watchlist Day After Biden Endorsed Harris

Former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI), who has since left the Democrat Party due to how extreme it has become, said over the weekend that she was placed on a domestic terrorist watchlist the day after President Joe Biden dropped out of the presidential race and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to be the party’s nominee.

Gabbard made the remarks during a Sunday interview on CNN’s “State of the Union” after House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) revealed late last month that whistleblowers at the Federal Air Marshals Service (FAMS) informed Congress that Gabbard had been improperly targeted.

During the segment, Gabbard, who was widely credited with destroying Harris’ 2020 presidential campaign during one of the primary debates, joined the network to discuss how she is helping former President Donald Trump prepare for the debate against Harris.

Suggesting that Harris was a hypocrite, Gabbard said: “Most recently, I can point to my own experience of this of how the Harris/Biden administration have added me to a secret domestic terror watch list the very day after Kamala Harris was endorsed by Joe Biden and I was on TV and warning the American people about what I saw as the dangers of a Kamala Harris presidency, taking action that was clearly political retaliation.”

“They have done this to a lot of different people, which points to how dangerous it is to have people in power so willing to abuse that power to go after political opponents,” she added.

Host Dana Bash claimed that she had no idea what Gabbard was talking about, even though the issue has been reported on.


Tulsi Gabbard informs CNN that Biden/Harris placed her on a domestic terror watchlist

“Kamala Harris and Joe Biden have taken actions both directly and indirectly to censor free speech.

I can point to my own experience.

The Biden/Harris administration added me to a secret…

— Holden Culotta (@Holden_Culotta) September 1, 2024