Trump Jr. Calls Out ‘Hack’ Reporter For Posting Misleading Clip Of JD Vance Remarks On Immigration

Donald Trump Jr. called out a reporter on Friday for posting a misleading clip of Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) speaking a few years ago about immigration.

Reporter Jacqueline Sweet posted a clip on X from an interview that Vance, who is Donald Trump’s vice presidential running mate, gave in 2021 where he was asked about what negatives can come from large waves of immigration.

In the clip posted by Sweet, Vance talked about large waves of immigration from Europe to the U.S. over a hundred years ago, specifically Italian, German, and Irish immigrants.

“And that had had its problems, right?” Vance said. “It had its consequences. You had higher crime rates. You had these sort of ethnic enclaves developing. You had interethnic conflict in the country where you really hadn’t had that.”

However, the clip cut off Vance before he said that the U.S. adjusted to the problem by slowing immigration down for a while so that those communities could assimilate into the American fabric.

Sweet locked her account and, according to various users on X, was blocking people who were calling her out.

“Hey hack – Why are you blocking people for calling you out over dishonestly editing this clip?” Trump Jr. posted on X.

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Yet another leftwing keyboard warrior taking @JDVance‘s words out of context.

In the rest of the clip (that she intentionally cut off), JD went on to say that were also upsides to the waves of immigration and that we slowed down immigration from these countries to give people…

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) August 16, 2024

Trump Jr. highlighted a tweet that contained Vance’s full remarks on the subject.

“I think it’s one of these things that’s evolved over time, right?” Vance said. “So obviously you had this massive wave of Italian and primarily Italian, Irish, and German immigration, right? And that had its problems, right? It had its consequences. You had higher crime rates. You had these sort of ethnic enclaves developing. You had interethnic conflict in the country where you really hadn’t had that before.”

“And so there were downsides to it. Obviously, there were upsides, too,” Vance continued. “And one of the cool things that we did in the 1920s is we just sort of slowed down immigration a little bit, we let those, those sort of populations who had come to the country as new citizens, really incorporate themselves into the broader American fabric.”

Rob Lowe’s Son And Co-Star Says His Famous Father Is A ‘Complete Idiot’

Rob Lowe’s son, John Owen, talked about working on set with his dad, calling him a “complete idiot” and “so annoying” in a loving way.

The 29-year-old actor has been working with his father on the Netflix series “Unstable,” a workplace comedy about an introverted man tasked with saving his eccentric biotech entrepreneur father and his father’s company from disaster following the death of his wife.

Lowe discussed their relationship during a recently published interview with Fox News Digital.

“Professionally, I would say we found a groove, so we understood how to navigate each other’s behavior on set, which was not something we had ever experienced before,” Owen told the outlet. 

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“So, I think there was less frustration in that regard,” he added. “I won’t speak for him, but I will say for me, and I think that with that sort of additional respect for each other professionally, came some personal respect, just a modicum, just a tiny bit, but, it is very fun working with him. My dad, he is a complete idiot in the best way.”

Owen was quick to add that Lowe would be pleased to hear himself described this way. 

“I think he’d be thrilled that I’m saying that. He would take that as a compliment because he knows what I mean. He’s not stupid, but he is a fool,” Owen explained.

“I mean, who wouldn’t go insane working with their parents? It’s like that, you know? I think we all can relate to that in some way and my dad drives me insane,” Owen continued. “He is so annoying. Yeah, I get it. He’s a beloved, you know, person to many. I have unconditional love for him as my father, but I wouldn’t go as far as to say beloved.”

The actor added, “This is the least articulate I’ll be, but he’s just annoying. He’s really annoying. He comments on my hair and my clothes and how puffy my eyes are and why there are bags under my eyes in the morning and wants to know why I was up late and what I was doing. He’s nosy, and he wants to know about my personal life and who I’m dating and blah blah blah. He’s annoying.”

Owen also reflected on growing up as the son of a famous person. He said if he wins an Emmy at some point in his career, the audience will likely call him a “f***ing nepo baby.”


The actor told Fox News, “Rob Lowe loves being Rob Lowe. That’s the truth. He loves it and I think he would tell you that. I think because he had a good perspective about it. He didn’t take it too seriously. I will credit him and my mom in saying that I think I have a good head on my shoulders about the byproducts of success in the entertainment industry, like fame and, and, but it’s weird.”

He added, “Truthfully, it’s weird growing up with a famous parent. It’s strange going to dinners when you’re a kid and people come over and want a photo or an autograph and then getting old enough that people are interested in you as their byproducts.”

Owen said, “It’s a funky feeling at times, but you learn how to deal with it, and it’s never that serious. It’s just not that deep.”