‘America Is Still Worth Fighting For’: World War II Veteran Earns Standing Ovation At RNC

A World War II veteran commanded a standing ovation during his Wednesday night speech at the Republican National Convention (RNC), saying that he believed the America he once fought for was still worth fighting for.

Sgt. William Pekrul, a D-Day survivor and veteran of the Battle of the Bulge, told the crowd that he had once kissed the ground upon returning to the United States — and expressed his sorrow at what President Joe Biden and his administration had done to the nation he loved.


98-year-old WWII veteran and father of 11 children Sgt. William Pekrul speaks more coherently than Joe Biden at the RNC:

“America, people say, America is an idea. But I believe that America is much more than that. America is our home.” pic.twitter.com/91r5ArMAlK

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) July 18, 2024

“There aren’t many of us still here, but for us – those of us who are still here, that America is still worth fighting for,” he said. “It hurts my heart to see what our current president and vice president have done to the country that I love so well.”

He went on to list several major military failures that have happened under Biden’s watch, from the withdrawal from Afghanistan to the porous southern border.


“America, people say, is an idea. But I believe America is much more than that. America is our home,” he said.

He went on to talk about his own experiences fighting for his country, and nearly brought the house down when he said that even at 98 years old, he would enlist again if former President Donald Trump were returned to the post of Commander in Chief.

‘A Lot Of People Have Put My Grandpa Through Hell’: Trump’s Granddaughter Steals The Show At RNC

Former President Donald Trump’s eldest grandchild took the stage at the Republican National Convention (RNC) on Wednesday, and quickly stole the show as she shared a more personal side of her grandfather with the American people.

Kai Madison Trump stepped up to the microphone after a brief introduction from her father, Donald Trump Jr. — who joked that it might be the first and last time that anyone witnesses a Trump giving a microphone to someone else — regaled the crowd with anecdotes about golfing with her grandfather.


Former President Trump’s granddaughter, Kai Trump, speaks at the RNC “to share the side of [her] grandpa that people don’t often see.” pic.twitter.com/bjLUbWE05z

— Daily Wire (@realDailyWire) July 18, 2024

She introduced herself by saying that her goal was to “share the side of my grandpa that people don’t often see” – and immediately segued into stories about how proud he had been when she made the high honor roll and how much fun they had golfing together.

“He’s just a normal grandpa,” she said. “He gives us candy and soda when our parents aren’t looking.”

“When we play golf together, if I’m not on his team, he’ll try to get inside of my head,” she added. “And he’s always surprised that I don’t let him get to me. But I have to remind him, I’m a Trump, too.”


She took a more serious tone then, saying, “Even when he’s going through all of these court cases, he always asks me how I’m doing. … On Saturday, I was shocked when I heard he had been shot. And I just wanted to know if he was okay. It was heartbreaking to know that someone would do that to another person.”

“A lot of people have put my grandpa through hell. And he’s still standing,” she said, prompting a standing ovation. “Grandpa, you are such an inspiration and I love you. … He truly wants the best for this country, and he will fight every single day to Make America Great Again.”