Green Beret Veteran Chokes Up While Revealing What Trump Did For Gold Star Families

Rep. Mike Waltz (R-FL) appeared to tear up on Wednesday when he revealed what he saw when former President Donald Trump visited with the families of the American service members killed during President Joe Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Waltz, speaking as part of the third night of the Republican National Convention (RNC) in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, said that while President Joe Biden barely mentioned the names of the fallen, Trump had made a real effort to comfort the families.


.@michaelgwaltz shares a powerful and heartwarming story about bringing Gold Star families to visit President Trump.

— Daily Wire (@realDailyWire) July 18, 2024

“We all remember Biden’s disgraceful withdrawal from Afghanistan,” he began. “The debacle and the stain on our national conscience that was. The 13 Gold Star families have to relive it every day, the ones that lost their sons and daughters that disgraceful day.”

“Biden won’t even take their calls,” he continued. “He calls it an outstanding success. He won’t even take a meeting with them.”

But then Waltz said that he called Trump, who responded, “Michael, I would love to meet them.”


The Florida Congressman went on to explain that Trump had not just met the families, but after being scheduled to spend an hour with them, he had instead spent six hours with them. He talked to them about their loss and about their sons and daughters.

“One of the moms leaned over to me and she said, ‘Do you think he’ll sign a picture of my son?’ I said, ‘Oh, hell yeah, he will. Please ask, he will be happy to,'” Waltz added with a smile.

The day continued with dinner, and Waltz explained that as the dinner was just beginning, Trump made them a promise: “When he gets back in the White House, he will release all the tapes, all the videos, all the records, all the emails, and give these families the accountability and the transparency that they deserve and that they will never get from Joe Biden.”

Waltz concluded by turning to Trump, who was smiling from the VIP section, and appeared to choke up as he said, “Mr. President, Mr. President, you helped them heal. And I will forever, and they will forever, and America will forever be grateful to you for that.”

Biden Now ‘Receptive’ To Ending Presidential Campaign, Greenlighting Harris For Nomination: Report

President Joe Biden is now reportedly being “receptive” to the idea of ending his presidential campaign and greenlighting the way for Vice President Kamala Harris to be the party’s nominee.

Multiple sources within the Democrat Party told CNN that the tone of discussions with Biden are beginning to change as more and more Democrats urge him to step down.

“The private conversations with the Hill are continuing,” a top Democrat adviser told CNN. “He’s being receptive. Not as defiant as he is publicly.”

“He’s gone from saying, ‘Kamala can’t win,’ to ‘Do you think Kamala can win?'” the adviser said. “It’s still unclear where he’s going to land but seems to be listening.”

Biden said in an interview released on Wednesday that he would be open to the idea of stepping down if he was diagnosed with a “medical condition.”

The news comes as Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) reportedly urged Biden in a private meeting to end his re-election campaign.

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) publicly called on Biden to end his campaign early on Wednesday, saying that the U.S. was “at a crossroads.”


“A second Trump presidency will undermine the very foundation of our democracy, and I have serious concerns about whether the President can defeat Donald Trump in November,” he said.

He acknowledged that while Biden was the one who had to make the decision, it was time for him “to pass the torch” and “secure his legacy of leadership” by allowing another Democrat the opportunity to beat Trump.

“I will do everything I can to help them succeed,” Schiff said. “There is only one singular goal: defeating Donald Trump. The stakes are just too high.”