DeSantis Says America Cannot Afford A ‘Weekend At Bernie’s’ President

Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis called President Joe Biden a “Weekend At Bernie’s” president Tuesday evening during his speech at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee.

“Let’s send Joe Biden back to his basement and let’s send Donald Trump back to the White House,” DeSantis said to enthusiastic applause.

“America cannot afford four more years of a ‘Weekend At Bernie’s’ presidency,” the governor said, referencing the 1989 comedy in which two insurance employees prop up their dead boss.

DeSantis said he is “alarmed that the current president of the United States lacks the capability to discharge the duties of his office.”

“Our enemies do not confine their designs to between 10 am and 4 pm,” DeSantis continued. “But … let’s be honest here. Biden is just a figurehead. He’s a tool for imposing a leftist agenda on the American people.”

DeSantis criticized many of the Biden administration’s policies, including its push for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), which DeSantis said really stands for “division, exclusion, and indoctrination, and it is wrong.”

“They support open borders, allowing millions and millions of illegal aliens to pour into our country and to burden our communities,” DeSantis said.

“But just don’t send any to Martha’s Vineyard. Then they get really upset,” the governor added, referencing his famous move to fly about 50 illegal migrants to the wealthy island, causing an uproar among residents.

DeSantis also praised former President Donald Trump after campaigning against him in the primary. DeSantis ultimately dropped out of the race in January.

Both DeSantis and former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, who lingered in the primary race until March, offered endorsements of Trump, who officially clinched the Republican nomination at the convention.

“Life was more affordable when Donald Trump was president, our border was safer under the Trump administration, and our country was respected when Donald Trump was our commander-in-chief,” DeSantis said.

DeSantis spoke on the second day of the convention, which started just two days after Trump survived an assassination attempt at a campaign rally in western Pennsylvania, where a gunman grazed the former president’s right ear with a bullet. One rallygoer was killed, and two others were injured in the shooting.

“Now Donald Trump stands in their way, and he stands up for America. Donald Trump has been demonized, he’s been sued, he’s been prosecuted, and he nearly lost his life. We cannot let him down, and we cannot let America down,” DeSantis said.

Mom Who Lost Son To Fentanyl Brings Tears To RNC, Standing Ovations

A California mother who lost her 15-year-old son to fentanyl elicited repeated standing ovations and tears from the audience at the Republican National Convention on Tuesday, saying that she held President Joe Biden, Vice-President Kamala Harris, California Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom, and every other Democrat who supports open borders responsible.

Anne Fundner lost her son Weston to fentanyl poisoning in February 2022.

“My name is Anne Fundner, and I am the wife and mother of four children,” Fundner began. “I’m standing here today to share the tragic reality of open borders. I’m here to share the story of my first-born son, my everything, my Weston.”

“My family and I were living in southern California when President Biden took office and opened our borders,” she continued. “My Weston was 15. He was an amazing big brother to his three younger siblings. Weston attended church twice a week, played football and hockey, and he loved to serve. He had a big heart and he lived to make people laugh. He had so many good friends. I was always vigilant to be the best mother that I could be, as room mom, school ambassador, and I attended all the sports. We had family dinners and barbecues at the beach, and, like most teenagers, Weston wanted to fit in.”

“And in a moment of peer pressure, he tried something that someone gave to him and it took my baby’s life,” she recalled. “We did everything right. I had those conversations with him and fentanyl still found my son. And on February 27, 2022,” she said, fighting back tears, “our lives were shattered and our baby was gone. This was not an overdose, it was a poisoning. His whole future, everything we ever wanted for him was ripped away in an instant.”

“And Joe Biden does nothing,” she charged, then declared, “I hold Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, the border czar — what a joke — and Gavin Newsom and every Democrat who supports open borders responsible for the death of my son —”

That catalyzed a standing ovation as members of the audience blinked back tears.

“— and the tens of thousands of American children. For that alone, they should be voted out of office,” she finished.

Another standing ovation followed, with the crowd chanting, “Joe must go!”

“Joe must go,” she repeated. “Yes, he must. Joe must go. Absolutely.”

“We have seen the highest number of fentanyl deaths during the Biden-Harris administration and fentanyl is now the number one killer of Americans 18 to 45, and it is quickly becoming the leading cause of death for teens, with 14 and under being the fastest growing demographic,” she noted. “We need President Trump back in office. We need a president who will seal the border, aggressively prosecute drug dealers, and stop Communist China from poisoning our children. This is not a red or blue issue; this is a red, white and blue issue. Fentanyl doesn’t care if you’re black or white; it does not discriminate. This is an American issue. We need a president who will call the drug cartels what they are: terrorist organizations.”

“This fight is not for me; my son is gone,” she said tearfully. “This fight is for your children. We owe it to our children to elect a president who will win the war against fentanyl once and for all. It’s too late for my son. Say his name, Joe Biden: Weston.”

In response, the crowd started chanting, “Weston.”

Fundner concluded, “But we can change this for your children. We need President Trump back to save the lives of our kids. Thank you. God Bless America.“