Will Kamala Go After Elon With The Law?

For Kamala Harris, the “joy” is running out.

The thrill, as they say, is gone. She feels as though she is in the mire. She feels as though she is stagnating — because she is. There’s been no movement in the polls in her favor. The state polls are not moving in her favor. She has basically flatlined at this point. The momentum is clearly no longer with her. 

Most Americans know nothing about her. How long can Harris go without the American people becoming acquainted with her? 

That suggests we are about to be subjected to a great censorship regime in the United States.

That’s precisely what happened in 2020. In 2020, there was a full-scale media lockdown on the Hunter Biden story the month before the election in an attempt to secure the election for Joe Biden. 

But now, we are at the point where there’s no information about Harris, which requires a much bigger lockdown if the goal is to get Harris through unscathed.

That’s why we are seeing an elevated level of attack on Elon Musk.


The Left has decided it is absolutely necessary that Elon Musk’s X be punished. Many of the other social media tech pros have done what they can in favor of Democrats in order to prevent the dissemination of material that Harris wouldn’t like.

But on X, it’s freewheeling access, open for all the good and all the bad. And the Left is furious that Musk has declared he supports President Trump. None of the other social media pros have. All of them are well-known Democratic voters — or they’ve tried to stay out of it completely. 

But Musk has supported Trump.

This is why you are seeing the Left cheer along as dictatorial regimes attempt to shut down X. 

Remember what happened in Brazil? Jair Bolsonaro, the conservative Right-wing leader, narrowly lost an election in disputed circumstances, then was immediately arrested and barred from running in the future. And leftist Lula da Silva, who is treated by the media of the United States as a great liberator, turned out to be quite dictatorial, and he and the Brazilian judiciary basically rewrote the constitution in tyrannical ways. 

Now, Brazil is outlawing X. According to the Wall Street Journal:

Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva said his country should serve as an example for the rest of the world on how to deal with Elon Musk after the Supreme Court voted to uphold a ban on the billionaire’s social-media platform X. 

“The world is not obliged to put up with Musk’s far-right ideology just because he is rich,” Brazil’s leftist leader told local media late Monday.

You might think the world should be obliged to hear a lot of points of view they don’t like; we do it all the time here in the United States.

But apparently not. 

Brazil, one of the world’s largest democracies, shut down X over the weekend after Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes outlawed the social-media platform for failing to suspend accounts that he asserted contained hate speech and misinformation, as well as complying with other legal requirements.

A five-member panel of justices voted unanimously in favor of the ban Monday after de Moraes called on the court to review his decision. He and the court have been facing accusations of overstepping their mandate, both here in Brazil and far beyond. Musk has referred to de Moraes as a “dictator” on X. … the ban on X, which took effect early Saturday, is one of his most audacious moves yet, jurists say, drawing criticisms from free speech advocates and also some investors concerned about judicial overreach and the impact it might have on business. 

Dictatorship of the Left is hunky-dory with many people on the American Left, so long as it targets their political opponents. 

X is being targeted by Brazil for not shutting down “hate speech and misinformation,” terms that have been applied to everything that disagrees with the Left-wing social agenda.

That is being celebrated by the Left in the United States.

For example, Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison, former Deputy Chair of the Democratic National Committee, posted on X, “obrigado Brasil!” — which means, “Thank you, Brazil.” 

Musk replied, “The Democratic Party – same one that used to defend the First Amendment –now wants to destroy the First Amendment.”


Guess who used to be very much in favor of banning people from X for things she disliked? Kamala Harris, when she called for X (then Twitter), to ban Donald Trump, declared in 2019, “Look, let’s be honest. @realDonald Trump’s Twitter account should be suspended.”

Robert Reich, former Labor Secretary under Bill Clinton, penned an article titled, “Elon Musk Is Out Of Control.” Noting that Musk endorsed Trump, he suggested a boycott of Tesla, that “advertisers should boycott X,” that “regulators around the world should threaten Musk with arrest if he doesn’t stop disseminating lies and hate on X,” that “the Federal Trade Commission should demand that Musk take down lies that are likely to endanger individuals – and if he does not, sue him,” and that “the US should terminate its contracts with him, starting with Musk’s SpaceX.”

Am I suspicious there will be an attempt to shut down information dissemination through pressure tactics on social media before the election?

You bet I am.

I am very grateful that Elon Musk bought X in the first place because if X were in other hands, you’d be getting ready for the coercive and collusive attempt to shut down speech right before another presidential election.

Sticker Mule CEO Endorses Trump, And His Mission Is To Stop The Hate

Anthony Constantino, co-founder and CEO of international custom printing company Sticker Mule, has done what few other executives have: publicly endorsed Donald Trump for president.

Constantino, who spoke to The Daily Wire by phone on Wednesday, says he wants to be the blueprint for others going public with their support — and that he wants to stop the hate.

“I think my unique perspective, which I haven’t heard anyone say, is if all Trump supporters spoke up at the same time, this hate problem would disappear all at once,” Constantino told The Daily Wire. “Then the people who are trapped in this hateful worldview” would have to confront the reality that people they like and care about also support Trump and “are not hateful,” contrary to media portrayals.

The 41-year-old first made waves in July, immediately following the assassination attempt on Trump, when he put out a public statement calling for an end to “political hate.” The post quickly went viral, racking up 12.2 million views and write-ups in The Wall Street Journal, Wired, and other notable outlets.

“No one should have to die and sacrifice the happiness of their family to run for office,” he wrote, referring to the attempt on Trump’s life at a political rally in Pennsylvania. “If Donald Trump can risk that, the least the rest of us can do is vocalize our support and help end the hate.”

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“The more people realize that kind-hearted, compassionate people support Trump, the sooner the hate will end,” Constantino said. “I’m speaking up today and will do more in the future to stop this insane political hate.”

On Tuesday, Constantino took his argument a step further and officially endorsed Trump for president, calling him the “max happiness president,” citing the “rockin’ economy” and “global peace” during Trump’s term, as well as the president’s “comedy” and “courage.”

He told The Daily Wire he’s been a supporter of Trump since the 2016 GOP primary. “I’ve been a person who just doesn’t like bullying, and I feel like he’s been a victim of bullying,” Constantino said, also noting the recent legal attacks against the former president. “His supporters really have been victims of bullying.”


I’m endorsing Donald J. Trump for President and encourage others to do the same. Why?

Donald Trump is the max global happiness President. He made the world happier once and will perform better the second time. Experience makes us all better.… pic.twitter.com/ZhMP71jCrq

— Sticker Mule (@stickermule) September 3, 2024

Following his remarks about Trump and political hatred, Constantino said he was — ironically — inundated with threats and hateful emails.

“The people working in customer service, they were inundated with nasty emails, death threats, calls to commit suicide,” he told The Daily Wire. “I would say our email volume went up, I don’t know, 50 or 100 times — a lot of people saying I should kill myself, [and that happened] within an hour.”

But closer to home, he said not a single employee quit, which he credited to the “goodwill” he’s invested into his employees.

“I issued a $2,500 bonus to everybody in customer support, because they were getting hit hardest,” he said. “I guess I built enough goodwill with people that, whether people agreed or disagreed, we just went back to business as usual, and everyone maintained a sense of calm. I don’t think there was a disturbance within the company.”

Sticker Mule operates in 39 countries, employs 1,200 people, and services big-name customers, like Google and Facebook.

Constantino also received a lot of positive feedback, including from people who continue to keep their support for Trump private. The CEO hopes his decision to be vocal on the issue inspires others.

“I think it’s important for people to see what happened to me and learn from it and realize that as long as you speak up in a respectful way, everything’s gonna be fine, and you can help fix this problem,” he said, referring again to the political hatred bubbling in our nation.

“I think it’s in everyone’s interest to fix it. I don’t want to — nobody wants to live in a country like that,” he continued. “It’s not good for anyone.”

“People think I’m just helping one side, but I’m really helping the Trump haters maybe more than the people who like Trump, because the Trump haters aren’t living in a great world,” he explained. “They’re living in a world where they’re waking up every day thinking 100 million people are demons —  that’s not good for them, and it’s not true.”

Disclaimer: The Daily Wire is a Sticker Mule customer.